Sunday 29 April 2007

Improving your personal productivity

Here are 50 time-tested ways of improving your personal productivity. Check off those ideas that make sense to you, and yet are not currently being practiced.

1. Put your personal and organizational goals in writing.

2. Every week do something that brings you closer to your annual goals.

3. Schedule appointments with yourself to complete priority work.

4. Schedule more time for tasks than you think it will take.

5. Set priorities according to importance, not urgency.

6. Make notes while you are talking on the telephone.

7. Use a Delegation Record or Assignment Record to keep track of assignments to others.

8. Develop the do it now habit. Don’t procrastinate.

9. Have meetings start on time, end on time and have a timed agenda.

10. Take advantage of commute time, travel time and waiting time to get things done.

11. Toss out as much correspondence and paperwork as possible.

12. Don’t write when a telephone call will do.

13. Make minor decisions quickly.

14. Set deadlines on all tasks you delegate.

15. Be time conscious rather than a perfectionist. Let the amount of time spent on a task be proportionate to the value of the outcome.

16. Hold meetings only when absolutely necessary, and keep them brief.

17. Keep telephone conversations brief; discuss the business up front.

18. Write brief letters, reports and email. Encourage brevity in others.

19. When a crisis occurs, immediately determine how to stop a recurrence.

20. Say “no” more often. Have as much respect for your own time as you
have for other people’s time.

21. Don’t keep shuffling papers; handle each item only once whenever possible. Do it, scrap it, file it, delegate it or schedule a time to do it later.

22. Use a follow-up file to hold paperwork relating to scheduled tasks.

23. Use a Participant’s Action Sheet at meetings to record notes.

24. Take advantage of timesaving technology such as handheld computers, business card scanners, remote access software and Paper Tiger software.

25. Don’t allow upward delegation. Ask for solutions, not problems.

26. Start earlier in the morning. Utilize your prime time for priorities.

27. Don’t keep magazines. Tear out or photocopy relevant articles.

28. Plan as far in advance as feasible.

29. Record the whole year’s schedule of meetings, events etc. into your planner.

30. Always carry a small scratch pad, pocket recorder or handheld computer to record notes and capture ideas.

31. Use the same planner for home and office. Schedule time for family
events as well as work.

32. Be in control of your own life; don’t let others’ lack of planning become your crisis.

33. Have set times each day to review your email. Assign a time limit.

34. Always take a few minutes after each meeting to evaluate how it went.

35. If someone calls for an appointment, try to settle the matter right then on the telephone.

36. When leaving a message for someone to call you back, indicate a convenient time to call.

37. If the person you’re calling is not in, try to get the information you need from someone else.

38. Record the time you must leave the office when traveling to a distant meeting.

39. If items dropped in your in basket distract you, move the basket from your desk.

40. When away on a business trip have someone else sort and dispense
with most of your mail.

41. To reduce interruptions during the day, hold brief standup meetings with
your staff each morning.

42. When filing paperwork, record a throw out date on it to make subsequent purging easier.

43. Schedule specific amounts of time to review and dispense with your mail and voice mail.

44. Hold brief breakfast meetings when most people are mentally alert and have a full day to take action.

45. Capture ideas when listening to cassette tapes or CDs by dictating into a pocket recorder.

46. Use checklists for recurring events such as meetings, sales calls, and business trips.

47. Spend time each week on time investments – those activities that will help you free up more time.

48. When putting something in your follow-up file, make a corresponding note in your planner that tells you it’s there.

49. Recognize you can’t do everything. Work on the 20% of the activities that produce 80% of your results.

50. Manage stress by putting life in perspective, and not taking yourself too seriously.


Do you find yourself taking work home in the evenings and on weekends? Are you under constant pressure, jumping from one task to another? Do you find yourself too involved in doing things to spend enough time on planning, organizing, directing and controlling? It could be that you are not taking full advantage of one of the greatest time savers of all: delegation.

Delegation extends results from what you can do to what you can control. It frees time for more important tasks, allows you to plan more effectively, and helps relieve the pressure of too many jobs, too many deadlines, and too little time. Not only that, but it is one of the most effective ways of developing your staff.

Improper delegation, however, is worse than no delegation at all. It not only creates a greater demand on your own time, but messes up your staff members' time as well. Be careful what you delegate, how you delegate and to whom you delegate. Here are a few ground rules for effective delegation.

Don't delegate what you can eliminate. If it's not important enough for you to do personally, it's probably not important enough for your people to do either. Respect their time and their ability. Don't waste it on non-productive or unprofitable trivia. Your success can be multiplied a thousand times if you concentrate on the high-return jobs, and encourage others to do likewise -- don't spoil it by using your staff as a dumping ground for "garbage" jobs.

Delegate the things you don't want to delegate. We tend to hang on to the things we like doing, even when they interfere with more important tasks, and even though others could probably do them just as well. Share the interesting work with your staff. One of the most important advantages of effective delegating is the fact that it enriches your staff members' jobs. Don't confine your delegation to the boring, repetitive tasks -- look for the interesting ones first.

Delegate, don't abdicate. Dumping jobs onto others and then disappearing is not delegation -- it's organizational suicide. Delegation must be planned. Consult with your staff first; select people you think are both capable of doing the job and would like to do the job. Train them. Delegate gradually, insist on feedback, and then leave them alone.

Delegate the objective, not the procedure. One of the bonuses you receive from effectivedelegation is the fact that in many cases the job is better in the hands of someone else. Don't resent it, encourage it. Delegate the whole task or specific results, de-emphasizing the actual procedure. Your staff, under less pressure, less harried, and with a fresh viewpoint, will likely improve upon the method you've been using. Review results, not the manner in which he or she arrived at them!

Don't always delegate to the most capable people. Delegation is one of the most effective methods of developing others. Don't continually delegate to the most capable ones, or they'll get stronger, while the weak get weaker. Take the extra effort to spread delegation across the board, and develop a strong team with no weak links.

Trust your staff. Be sure to delegate the authority as well as the responsibility. Don't continually look over their shoulder, interfere with the methods, or jump on them when they make mistakes. Be prepared to trade short-term errors for long-term results. Maintain control without stifling initiative.

Delegation is not only a skill, it's a way of life. And like everything else, in order to be effective, you have to work at it. But once perfected, it will multiply your success a hundredfold.

Saturday 28 April 2007

Negative Thinking Never Helps

I've never had someone come up to me and say, "I'm always
negative and it's working out great for me. I can't wait to
get up in the morning!" And yet, positive thinking still has
its skeptics.

Some people tell me that positive thinking doesn't work or
that it's "unrealistic," especially in today's turbulent

"Look around you," they say. "How can you be so positive?"
Well, let me ask you this: can the world be lifted out of
negativity by adding MORE negativity?

The truth is, there are certain things that negative
thinking will do for you. It will make you sick. It will
make you very unpleasant to be around. And, it will
significantly limit what you can achieve.

Let's take a closer look at why negative thinking doesn't
serve us. For starters, we all operate under the Law of
Dominant Thought. Simply stated, we're always moving in the
direction of our dominant thoughts.

Most of us have heard about the "self-fulfilling prophecy" -
that we get what we expect in life. Expect negative results
and, sure enough, you'll produce negative results.

As I'm sure you've found, negative thinking also causes you
to feel more stress and to have less energy. Scientific
studies have demonstrated that negativity weakens your
immune system. How many times have you gotten sick during a
stressful period in your life?

If you're still not convinced about the effects of being
negative, take out a sheet of paper and write down your list
of all the benefits you're getting from negative thinking. I
think your list is going to be very short, if you come up
with anything at all.

Let me make an important distinction here. It's quite
natural for a person to feel sad in response to a tragedy or
the death of a loved one. There's a period of loss and
grieving that differs for each individual, and we don't
expect a grief stricken person to be positive in the short

However, even a person in that situation will not be served
by holding onto their negative thoughts indefinitely. (By
the way, if you've suffered some trauma or have had a
difficult time releasing negative thinking, by all means get
counseling. That's not a sign of weakness. It's a
constructive step to help you move forward in your life.)

Doing What Comes Naturally

From everything I've observed, babies are naturally
positive. They're usually smiling and seem to be enjoying
life. I haven't met any negative, frowning babies. That's
why I don't buy the argument that negative thinking is just

Those who think negatively do so out of habit. They have
conditioned themselves to think that way. In Western
societies in particular, we've developed the tendency to
focus on minor irritations, even though these annoyances are
only a tiny part of our overall lives. We tend to focus on
the 5% of our lives that are going "wrong"... instead of the
95% going well.

We'll sigh and tell everyone about the traffic jam or flat
tire on the way to work. Yet, we'll never comment about the
miracle of our existence - the billions of cells in our body
that somehow allow our brain to function, our heart to pump
blood or our eyes to see.

We don't appreciate that we have enough food to eat or that
we have a roof over our heads, while there are millions of
people who don't have these gifts. It's no wonder that so
many people think negatively.

The newspaper is filled with negative news. Television and
radio reports dwell on tragedies and crimes. How often do
you read or hear about people helping each other or doing
something positive? Hardly ever. If you do nothing to
counteract this bombardment of negativity, you're going to
think negatively.

At any time, however, you could take control of this
situation. You could stop watching and listening to all of
the negative news and read something positive instead. You
could limit your contact with "toxic" people and make sure
your life is filled with positive inputs.

If you did that, your "natural" inclination would switch and
you'd begin to think positively.

Quick Mental Exercises

I'll show you that you have much more control over your
thinking than you might believe. Try this experiment. Right
now, think about your favorite movie. You might even get a
picture in your mind of your favorite scene in that movie.

Now, let's think about your favorite meal. What is it? A
fresh salad ... a juicy steak ... grilled salmon? Whatever
it is, just think about it. Now that your mouth is watering,
let's move on. Think about being out in a snowstorm, with
two feet of snow on the ground. Can you see the snow and
feel the cold on your toes?

In each case, you were able to control what you thought
about. You could shift your thinking in an instant. It has
been said that positive thinking is harmful because
optimistic people ignore things that can go wrong or are
easily duped and taken advantage of.

In other words, if you expect the sun to be shining all the
time, you're just naive and are sure to be disappointed. But
positive thinking doesn't mean that you ignore reality or
refuse to consider the obstacles that might arise. On the
contrary, the positive person expects a positive outcome but
prepares for overcoming obstacles.

For example, if a positive person is planning an outdoor
wedding, he or she won't use the power of positive thinking
to make sure it doesn't rain on the big day. Rather, a
positive person is prepared with contingency plans, focusing
on things that she can directly control, such as having a
tent available in case it does rain.

By this point, I hope that you're receptive to the idea that
negative thinking won't help us. So, the question is: how
can we change our thinking to become more positive? The
answer, simply stated, is that you must change what goes
into your mind every day.

Start by eliminating as many of the negative inputs as
possible. While you can listen to the news for a few minutes
to catch the important headlines, there is no need to hear
reports of the same murders and bombings over and over each
day. At the same time, replace the negative inputs with
positive stimuli.

Read positive materials on a daily basis. Listen to positive
audio tapes or CDs, or to music that inspires or relaxes

Here's another technique: monitor your everyday language.
When you find yourself beginning to complain or talk
negatively, switch immediately to something positive. Say
something like, "I really have so much to be grateful for"
and start listing some of those things.

Condition yourself to focus on constructive solutions to
challenges, rather than harping on problems or fretting
about things outside of your control. Make a commitment for
the next 30 days. Think about what you want instead of what
you don't want.

Think about what you're grateful for rather than what you
believe is missing in your life. Saturate your mind with the
positive. After 30 days, you can then decide whether to keep
focusing on the positive or to revert to your negative
thinking pattern. I think I know which one you'll choose!

-- Jeff Keller

Friday 27 April 2007


Kaizen is small improvements and a change for better. It must be accompanied by change of method. The Kaizen concept stimulates productivity improvement as an ongoing process in any company. It is a practice-oriented strategy, which leads to creation of culture of improvement. It is more a way of life or at least a cultural approach to quality improvement. The implementation of philosophy of Kaizen can be achieved through involvement of employees to effect improvements.

Kaizen –A Necessity for the Industry

Kaizens can be implemented in the industry by improving every aspect of business process in a step-by-step approach, while gradually developing employee skills through training and increased involvement. The principles are:

  • Human resources are the most important company asset
  • Process must evolve by gradual improvement rather than radical changes
  • Improvement must be based on evaluation of process performance

By practicing Kaizen culture, managers demonstrate commitment to quality. Also, the workers with adequate support from managers become a major source of improvement

Kaizen system is simple, but its implication are far reaching. These can be in the area of Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety & Morale of Employees

  • Q would mean more accurate
  • C would mean cheaper, lesser value
  • D would mean lesser cycle time or lead-time, faster and more quantity.
  • S would mean safer, easier & comfortable working.
  • P is a derivative or a combination of any of the above QCDSM. However, there could be Kaizen, which is implemented primarily to improve productivity. Such a productivity improvement kaizen may also indirectly affect cost and/or quality and/or safety etc. Hence, the categorization of a kaizen should be done based on what it was originally intended for and not based on what all could be the eventual spin-off or side benefits

Kaizen would always involve a change in the method of doing. It could be design change, procedure change etc

Kaizen vs. Large Improvements

A kaizen is a small improvement without much data analysis. A problem solved through the method of using six sigma techniques would not qualify as a kaizen for the purpose of compilation. Hence a kaizen done through “dateless” improvements would qualify as a kaizen.

Types of Kaizens:

Primarily two types of Kaizens

  • Idea Kaizens - These Kaizens have no why-why analysis. If any why-why analysis were done normally it would always reach the same conclusion that “no one thought of it before”. These Kaizens have been done due to an idea created.
  • Corrective Action Kaizens - These Kaizens are done to correct a problem and would have a proper why-why analysis.

Originality, impact of kaizen & quality of analysis varies in both cases as under: -

Corrective Action Kaizen

Idea Kaizen


Not Necessary

High & Must


High &Must


Quality Analysis


Not Required

Heads and Hands

Any kaizen involving usages of different technologies would not qualify because the person has not used his/her innovativeness/creativity in doing this kaizen but used an already existing technology to replace the “doing” method. This may have resulted in benefits but does not qualify for this compilation, as the doer has not used his” hands and head”.

Pre-requisites of a Kaizen for compilation

To summarize on the qualification method of whether a kaizen is fit for compilation, would require the same to go through the following pre-requisites: -

  • Kaizens should be a change for the better with a change in method.
  • The Kaizens should be a data-less improvement.
  • Persons at the operator/supervisor level must do the Kaizen. Could be proposed by seniors also.
  • The Kaizen must follow the “head and Hands” principle.” Hands and/or head”
  • The Kaizens must be classified as an “Idea” or “Corrective” Kaizen.
  • Kaizens must not only be from the shop floor but also from the office area,
  • Scrap yard, stores, etc.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Most people are familiar with the distinction between efficiency and effectiveness. The most frequently used differentiation is that efficiency is doing something in the best possible way, while effectiveness is doing the best possible thing. But too many people emphasize the importance of effectiveness while downplaying the importance of efficiency. Both are important.

Effectiveness involves having a vision or mission, goals compatible with that vision, and a plan of action to achieve those goals or objectives. But efficiency is necessary to carry out the step-by-step action plan in the most economical, expedient way with a resultant quality consistent with the goal A goal and plan are useless if the job never gets done. Efficiency cuts through procrastination, perfectionism and inertia, and converts a plan into action. Efficiency minimizes delays, interruptions, distractions and ensures that results are obtained.

Efficiency and effectiveness work in tandem; one is useless without the other. Without effectiveness, we lack direction drift away from the priorities, and become busy without accomplishing the 20% of the tasks which represent 80% of the value. On the other hand, without efficiency we experience the frustration of knowing exactly where we want to go, but see little progress in that direction. It's a two steps forward and one step backwards process.

Effectiveness has an eye to the future while efficiency deals with the here and now. A manager who is effective, sets goals. plans, organizes, directs, controls and innovates. The one who is efficient conducts the "doing" portion of his or her job with a minimum of interruptions, idle time, procrastination, indecision, perfectionism, and wasted effort.

Efficiency looks at the process through a microscope, analyzing every detail of the jobs to eliminate, simplify, combine, or improve segments of them so the total process can be accomplished in a minimum of time at minimum cost with minimum effort. Effectiveness looks at a process through a wide-angle lens, observing how it affects the productivity of the other processes, how it contributes to the goals of the organization and how it impacts the bottom line.

Efficiency studies may lead to an improvement in a process or job. Effectiveness studies may serve to eliminate it. Although both are important, effectiveness studies should come first, since there's little point in improving something that may later be eliminated. Never underestimate the importance of efficiency; but never strive for efficiency at the expense of effectiveness.

The higher the level in the organization, the more time a manager must spend managing, and less time actually doing. Therefore, effectiveness becomes more essential at higher levels in the organization, while efficiency is critical at the staff level. But even a CEO has a certain amount of doing and limited time for its accomplishment. Efficiency never loses its importance.

Although time management experts urge us not to be efficient at the expense of effectiveness, this should not be construed to mean efficiency is unimportant. Lacking effectiveness is like sailing a ship without a rudder. But it is no less serious to be sailing a rudder without a ship.

Wednesday 25 April 2007

What is “Ideation”?

To quote Webster dictionary, ideation means:

“The faculty or capacity of the mind for forming ideas; the exercise of this capacity; the act of the mind by which objects of sense are apprehended and retained as objects of thought.”

Our definition is a little simpler; Ideation is the systematic search for targeted opportunities in the form of new features, new products, new markets, and new services. Ideation is the process of forming and relating ideas. It is a concept utilized in the study of behavior, creativity, innovation, and concept development.

Ideation is coming up with a bright idea that could make a difference to society. The more innovative the idea, the bigger the difference to society. Coming up with a bright idea that could "fly”. Ideation involves both divergent thinking (starting with the known and moving outwards) and convergent thinking (starting with the known and moving inwards). Starting with the unknown is naturally impossible, because thought can't happen at all unless there's a neural network to support it. New intelligence can only be developed on the foundation of existing intelligence. Even external stimuli can only be responded to with existing neural network.

We have discovered, that there is often a reluctance to seek more ideas for new products, markets, or features because they often cannot manage the quantity of ideas they have. Unfortunately, if sustained, this way of thinking can result in a culture of complacency toward seeking new ideas and opportunities until it is too late. As an additional result, clients also find their idea generators seeking new environments where their talents will be appreciated.

Here are some reasons it is important to systematically seek targeted ideas:

1. The quality of ideas is directly correlated to the quantity of ideas at a company’s disposal.

2. Ideation provides a mechanism for the discussion and building of all known possibilities.

3. Ideation uncovers or “discovers” new high-potential products, markets, needs, and features.

4. Ideation adds significant confidence and efficiency to the product development funnel.

Ideation Basics

Basic brainstorming is usually not enough to generate high-potential opportunities. These sessions are good to get current thinking on the table and share ideas, but typical brainstorming has several drawbacks:

1. People often use it as a forum to sell old ideas that have been shot down before.

2. Ideas generated are often the same ones that have been floating around in your team’s heads.

3. New ideas generated are usually slight variations of current products or services and not innovative

Ideation is different than traditional validation market research. Ideation is about exploring possibilities, generating new concepts and discovering new opportunities, whereas market research is about validating ideas, weeding out bad concepts, and correcting current concepts. They are both important components of Product Innovation Processes.

Targeted ideation is designed to transcend your product team’s current ideas to find innovative products, features, and services that will drive your vision and beat your objectives. When conducting ideation sessions, you are looking for convergent thinking; to look for as many ideas as possible without ruling anything out.

Doing Ideation

When you practice Targeted Ideation, think of it as an idea-shooting shotgun. You aim generally at a given target, fire, and then go see which of the shots have hit the target. The beauty is that you only have to keep the individual shots that actually hit the bull’s-eye. The exact time to conduct ideation techniques depends on several factors. Generally you should consider conducting ideation techniques and sessions at the beginning of a product planning session, before you’ve determined which products and services will be on your 12-month roadmap.

There are literally hundreds of techniques and tools to generate new ideas, but they can be grouped by their fundamental methodology. We have broken down the areas of ideation techniques into three general categories based on the type of required activity.

Ideation Type 1: Trend Analysis

Understanding trends is one of the best ways to identify very high potential opportunities, and is typically the source of today’s call for “radical innovation”. This is a must-do ideation technique for technology-driven companies.

Many of us have personally observed O’Mara’s Law, which states, "We tend to overestimate the short-term impact of technological change and underestimate its long-term impact." History has often proved this correct. The telephone was a nifty gadget; the airplane was only for the wealthy. Cell phones and the Internet are actively transforming our lives and WiFi and DVRs are in the early stages of being underestimated by many.

This technique is best accomplished by taking a long-term approach to studying trends in technology, customer expectations, cost improvements, and other appropriate factors.

Ideation Type 2: Customer Interaction

Customers are a great source of new opportunities and innovative thinking. The challenge with customers is that they can’t always articulate what they think about current products or unmet needs. They often don’t even think they have unmet needs since people get accustomed to dealing with their current situation. I still have a hard time believing that people once loved WordStar (that word processing software before WYSIWYG software).

When looking for forward-thinking ideas, it is best to work with forward thinking customers. Eric von Hippel of MIT calls these “Lead Users”. Others call these types of users “pro-users” or the more generic “innovators” or “early adopters”. At Ideation West, our mantra is, “Ideate with a geek, validate with the meek”. This may not be politically correct, but since we are pretty much “geeks”, we feel safe in revealing this. Translation: work with your forward-thinking, early adopters to discover unmet needs and brainstorm new products and features. Once you are ready to test new products, see how your average customers (the “meek”) react to the new products and features. Even if “Joe” meek doesn’t get it at first, this doesn’t necessarily mean you should pull back on the product! He may get there quickly in the market place based on the trend analysis you already did.

Ideation Type 3: Creative Thinking

When many people think of “ideation”, creative thinking techniques usually come to mind. This is an important component of ideation, but not the only one, as we’ve discussed. Creative thinking should be used in all aspects of your Product Innovation Process and even during other ideation sessions. The general goal of creative thinking is to be free of constraints and apply creativity to identify new opportunities.

Creative thinking is an activity where most technical people just feel plain silly, as it goes against their analytical nature. But when applied correctly, the techniques can add a high level of energy and fun to your planning activities as well as generate a large number of exciting ideas.

In this type of ideation you would use tools from creative thinking gurus such as Dr. Edward DeBono (Lateral Thinking), Tony Buzan (Mindmapping), or Michael Michalko (SCAMPER) to consciously manipulate current thinking and open your mind to convergent thinking. These techniques will challenge your technical team to come up with compelling and exciting features and products that will beat your competition.


Ideation by itself will not guarantee success. However, the large pool of targeted opportunities generated from ideation techniques is a powerful start toward a winning product plan.

How to deal with difficult people?

Friendly, welcoming, and good communicators are great people to converse with. They emotionally lift up people and if there is conflict or some other problem, it is easily worked through. Unfortunately the world isn’t filled with great communicators and is more dominated by difficult people. Dealing with difficult people is a must to be happy, successful, and develop fulfilling relationships. Here are list of tips for dealing with difficult people to transform their attitude and keep your relationship from declining:
Rights and Responsibility
It’s important to distinguish between rights and responsibilities when dealing with difficult people. Sometimes we feel obliged to work through difficult problems, solve their personality problems, or develop solutions beyond our capabilities. Other times we unnecessarily forgo our rights letting the difficult person trample over what they have no right to ruin.
· Any lawful problems such as abuse should never be accepted.
· If there are rules where you and the difficult person are having the problem such as in the workplace, then the rules should not be crossed. There can be rules in a family, amongst friends, or at a social venue. Rules are often implied rather then explicitly stated so it helps to mention them clearly to the person.
· Do not reciprocate the difficulties the person is giving. Treating them with respect is an important tip to deal with difficult people and is your responsibility.
· Listen to the difficult person and let them express their point of view. It will help you understand more about why they are difficult and this tip alone can be enough to deal with the person.
· To remain focused on the problem and not the person. Difficult people will usually have a difficult problem and your perception of them being difficult can be false. Disassociate the problem from the person is a great tip for dealing with a difficult person.
· You do not need to solve all problems on your own. Seek help from others as more hands make light work. Other people will bring more persuasive power in handling difficult people but beware of making a private problem public. It’s your responsibility to respect the other person but at the same time to request others’ help when necessary.
Stop Becoming a Victim
When dealing with difficult people it is a vital tip to stop feeling victimized by their behavior. Blaming them for making you feel miserable is only damaging to you and will not assist you in solving the problem. You give people access to your emotions so stop blaming them. Take responsibility for how you feel, stop blaming, and keep in focus the person’s difficulty is their problem. Eliminate feeling burdened by people’s problems. You’ll work towards a solution faster and it’ll be less emotionally exasperating when losing your victim mentality.
Being Apart of the Problem
“Take responsibility for how you feel, stops blaming, and keep in focus the person’s difficulty is their problem.”
If the person isn’t difficult to everyone then you could be contributing to the problem. Like the above tip, take responsibility and look at your weaknesses, mistakes, and improve on them.
Keep an Open Mind
When we see someone in a negative spotlight it can take a while to shift that negative understanding into a positive spotlight even when the person has not been difficult for sometime. Be forgiving by keeping an open mind as to why they are being difficult is a great tip. It helps you from jumping to conclusions and portraying the problem as the person’s difficulty. Perhaps you are the problem, their father was diagnosed with cancer, or they are in financial trouble. Acknowledge that you do not and will never know all the tidbits of information as to why they are being difficult. Keeping an open mind will prevent you from being dangerously judgmental.
Control Criticism
Feeling burdened by someone’s personality unleashes the damaging communication barrier of criticism. Criticizing people does not work towards conflict resolution. Minimize the criticism.
Behavioral Conditioning
Condition the difficult person’s behavior by rewarding the good and punishing/ignoring the bad. Say you have a manager who is rude to you and even other people. What you can do is let the other people know together it is possible to eliminate the difficult person’s behavior. Every time the manager compliments, encourages, or says something positive you can condition the manager to continually give a positive feedback when it’s due. Saying “thank you” and directly appreciating the positive feedback by saying “I much appreciate it when you give me good feedback” conditions the manager to give more emphasis on positivity. On the other side, when the manager yells or does other difficult behavior you wish to remove, you can ignore but directly address the manager stating you do not like the behavior and mention the effects it has on you. It rarely eliminates the behavior overnight because behavioral conditioning is about consistent reinforcements changing the behavior over time.
Walking Away
If all the above tips have failed it is probably best to walk away and leave the difficult person for another day or a later time. You are not giving up on resolving the conflict or ignoring future problems as you are recognizing that you haven’t been able to deal with the difficult person and another day can bring different possibilities. Emotions, thoughts, and attitudes change all the time and having some down time is often beneficial for your relationship. It gives time for people to think the problems through and cool down their emotions.
Dealing with difficult people is tough but following these tips will ensure you get on top of the problem. These tips are great for resolving conflict and can be adapted to solve when you are difficult to other people. Follow these tips for dealing with difficult people and you’re bound to make the difficult more manageable if it isn’t completely solved.

Does 20 percent of your effort yield 80 percent of the results?

The Pareto Principle, named after an Italian economist-sociologist, Alfredo Pareto, states that the significant items in a given group normally constitute a relatively small portion of the total items in the group. The ratio that holds true in most cases is 80:20. For example, 20 percent of the promotion techniques you use achieve 80 percent of the results. 20 percent of the items in inventory account for 80 percent of the total inventory cost. 20 percent of the customers account for 80 percent of the sales. 20 percent of the sales force generates 80 percent of the sales volume. 20 percent of your telephone callers consume 80 percent of your telephone time. And so on.

Knowing these statistics does nothing to increase business. But taking action will. See where this principle applies in your company and then see what you can do to take advantage of these facts. If you are in the retail business, for instance, you may find that 80 percent of the profit is generated by 20 percent of the floor space. If so, you might identify these high traffic aisles and maximize profit through product positioning. If 80 percent of the sales are generated by 20 percent of the products, you will want maximum exposure for these high-ticket items.

If 80 percent of the traffic takes place during 20 percent of the day, identify this time period and declare it sales time. Have additional staff during this time if necessary. Make sure everyone devotes as much time as possible to customer service and selling. Tell staff not to work on paperwork, stocking etc. during that time period. They can do the maintenance and administration tasks during off-peak times.

If 80 percent of the sales seem to be generated by 20 percent of the staff, Train all employees on the basics of up selling and customer service as well as product knowledge. Make sure the staff members who interact well with customers are not hidden away in the back room. Set sales goals. How many sales do they need to make each day or each hour? Stephen Stressor, author of the book, Working It Out, claims that goal-setting programs can increase performance by 16 percent.

About 80 percent of the shoplifting occurs in 20 percent of the available hours. If your store is open 24hours, that's between 2 pm and 7 pm with Saturday being the most popular day. Security should be concentrated during these peak hours. And you should be well staffed. There is a correlation between shoplifting and customer service so interaction with customers should be greatest during this time period as well.

If 80 percent of the sales come from 20 percent of the store's traffic, figure out how to get even more sales out of existing customers. According to eMarketer, it costs five to ten times as much to find a new customer as it does to retain an existing one. And since regular customers buy more, make more referrals and are less price-sensitive, it would pay to get to know your customers. It would also be wise to see how you can get more traffic into the store and keep them there longer, since sales varies with the length of time spent in the store. You could also attempt to convert some of those 80 percent browsers into customers.

If 80 percent of your sales take place during 20 percent of the year, you must maximize the use of this prime selling time to generate as many sales as possible. But you should also try to convert lower sales months to higher sales periods.

The Pareto Principle could apply to the names on your mailing list, the source of shrinkage, customer complaints, returns, and staff lateness as well as other areas. It's important to analyze reports and collect data and take action where warranted. And if 90 percent of your results are achieved in activities that only consume 20 percent of your time, you have just identified your priorities.

Tuesday 24 April 2007


People are often unreasonable, illogical
And self-centered;
Forgive them anyway

If you are kind, people may accuse you
Of selfish, ulterior motives,
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
False friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
People may cheat you:
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
Someone could destroy overnight:
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
They may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis,
It is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.


Mother Teresa

Sunday 22 April 2007

Keeping things simple frees up time and energy

The High Cost of Complexity:
Keeping things simple frees up time and energy.

One the best ways to conserve time and energy in an organization as well in our personal lives is to keep things simple. The more products and variations of products we sell, the more complex we make things. We multiply our inventory, work in progress, suppliers, overhead and hidden costs. If you have to seek out new customers for your new products, it is worse. There is a high initial cost in recruiting new customers.

Richard Koch referred to a study of 39 middle sized German companies that found only one characteristic differentiated the winners from the less successful firms - simplicity. The winners sold a smaller range of products to fewer customers and had fewer suppliers.

Koch concluded that cutting the number of products, customers and suppliers usually leads to higher profits since it allows you to focus on the most profitable activities and it also allows you to cut costs drastically. Drop the less profitable customers and products, raise prices, and don't be discouraged if sales initially decrease. They will probably pick up again. And even if they don't, you're making more money with less effort.

Henry Ford became the richest man in the world at one point with his Model T car, which was available in any colour as long as it was black. McDonalds found out what people wanted and supplied it in quantity at reasonable cost.

Michael L. George and Stephen A. Wilson, in their book, Conquering Complexity in your Business (McGraw-Hill, 2004) offer three rules of complexity for business:

1. Eliminate complexity that customers will not pay for.
2. Exploit the complexity customers will pay for.
3. Minimize the costs of the complexity you offer.

George and Wilson claim that most businesses carry more products and services than their customers really want.

Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great (Harper Collins, 2001)cites simplicity as one of the factors in the exceptional success of some of the great companies. He says they take one simple concept and do it with excellence and imagination. Collins' formula for success involves three things: Doing work for which you have a God-given talent, getting paid well for it, and loving the work you do. He quotes Warren Buffet of Wells Fargo, "They stick with what they understand and let their abilities, not their egos, determine what they attempt." Wells Fargo people claimed they focused entirely on those few things they knew they could do better that anyone else and didn't get distracted into areas that would feed their egos and at which they could not be the best.

Outsourcing is also a great way of cutting complexity and costs. Focus on the profitable segments of the business. A simple business is always better than a complex business. Spend most of your time, energy and money on the people, program and products that produce most of the results.

Simplicity in our personal lives frees up time and energy as well. There's an excellent book called Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin that describes a Fulfillment Curve. This curve plots money along the horizontal axis with fulfillment along the vertical axis. The more money you have to spend, the greater the degree of fulfillment - up to a point. After fulfillment goes through the "survival" stage, "comforts" stage and "luxuries" stage, it levels off. As you start accumulating more luxuries, your degree of fulfillment starts decreasing. In other words, once you have achieved what the authors refer to as "enough," acquiring more simply makes you unhappier.

Whether you call it overabundance of possessions or just plain clutter, material things do consume a lot of our time. People spend their precious non-renewable resource, time, in order to acquire more money and possessions, only to discover that the possessions do little to further their enjoyment of life. In fact, possessions consume even more of this non-renewable resource. Not only does it take time to earn enough money to buy this stuff, it takes time to shop for it, learn how to operate it, maintain it in good working condition, repair it, upgrade it, insure it and use it.

It's not surprising that the more we acquire beyond a certain point, the unhappier we get. We are afraid of losing it, breaking it or having it stolen. We frequently have to make payments on it, acquire more space to accommodate it, and worry about keeping the neighborhood kids or the family dog away from it. There also comes a time when we have to figure out how to get rid of it.

Keep life simple and you will conserve enough time and energy to enjoy it.

Time Management

Time management first of all involves deciding what to eliminate. We can't do everything, but we can do anything. We have to choose the real priorities in our life and accomplish those things that are important at the expense of those that are relatively unimportant. Although some people may claim that everything is important, that's a rare situation. Important things are those activities that will directly influence the achievement of your goals. Since 95 percent of people don't even have any personal goals in writing, it's unlikely that most of what they do relates to their goals. Most people are flooded with trivia.

So the place to start, if you are to gain control of your time, is to develop some personal goals. Writing them down is not enough. You should actually schedule time in your planner to work on them. A list of goals is like a "to do" list. There's little commitment in a "to do" list. They're simply intentions. A scheduled meeting or appointment always seems to take priority over lists. Scheduled time is a commitment. So I recommend that if your goal is to write a book, for example, you schedule two-hour appointments with yourself to do the actual writing.

What about all the interruptions, crises, changing priorities and demands from others that invariably crop up while you're working on your goal-related activities? Do you simply ignore them? Well, you would try to; but I realize life is not that simple. That's why it's imperative that you schedule only the important, goal-related activities. The only thing that can displace a priority is a higher priority. The more important a task is, the less chance it has of being displaced. For example, it's unlikely you would reschedule open-heart surgery simply because the boss calls a meeting for the same day.

But some things will have to be re-scheduled. To allow for that, make sure you leave open spaces in your planner. Don't schedule too tightly. And always schedule more time than you think the task will take, so you can accommodate those unavoidable interruptions.

Saturday 21 April 2007

Corporate Lessons from the Australian cricket team

Corporate Lessons from the Australian cricket team

By Roshan Paul and Mathew Paul

The world is full of great organisations. Some like the Catholic Church have lasted almost two millennia. Some, such as IBM and Sony and, perhaps, in our own country, TISCO have lasted a number of decades. And some, such as Microsoft and Infosys are merely about two decades old. All have had their ups and downs, but all have also shown a remarkable ability to endure and thrive, to innovate and to constantly reinvent themselves.

Scholars who have studied corporate organisations such as these have come to the conclusion that all great organisations share certain common characteristics. Scholars, being scholars, often differ on what these characteristics actually are but some consensus has emerged that these characteristics include:

A strong belief that the organization has a purpose, a “reason to be” that is independent of making profits; and the transmission of this purpose throughout the organization as a means of energizing the organisations; An explicitly stated set of core organisational values that the organisation lives by; Careful selection of the Board, the CEO and all key members of the organization, based on “traits” seen as crucial to the achievement of the purpose; accompanied by an often stubborn refusal to lose faith in those so selected, even when things are “not going well”; and Carefully designed processes to ensure that the organization purpose is capable of achievement.

This article is based on an outsider’s analysis of the how these characteristics are present in the Australian cricket team. It is not the product of primary research but is based, rather, on information available in the public domain.

First, though, we need to digress into the historical background against which the success of the present team is very much set. The analysis that follows is based on Test cricket performance alone, for one-day cricket is hardly a reliable test of ability. Further, in analyzing Test cricket performance, the key statistic used is the ratio of victories to defeats (the W/L ratio).

The watershed event in recent Australian cricketing history was probably the appointment of Allan Border as captain in 1984. Border followed Ian Chappell (W/L: 3.00), Greg Chappell (W/L: 1.62), Graham Yallop (W/L 0.17) and Kim Hughes (W/L: 0.31). It had, indeed, been a long, hard fall from the glory days of Ian Chappell.

Initially, under Border, things deteriorated further, including a disastrous defeat by New Zealand at home. In this period, from 1984 to 1989 (6 long years), Australia played 39 Tests, winning 7 and losing 13, for a W/L ratio of 0.53. Why wasn’t Border sacked? Why did the Australian selectors continue to show faith in him? One of the themes of this article is that this was part of a long-term strategy.

The Australians then, in 1989, went to England and won the Ashes – for the first time since 1983. Although their newfound self-confidence as One-Day World Champions undoubtedly helped, it was this Ashes series that turned things around for Australia – and they haven’t looked back since, the hiccup – ahem – in India notwithstanding.

Border, after the Ashes triumph, recorded a W/L ratio of 2.77 in 54 Tests. Border was succeeded by Mark Taylor who, in 50 Tests between 1993 and 1999, achieved a W/L ratio of 3.02. Taylor gave way to Steve Waugh who in 32 Tests since then has achieved a W/L ratio of 4.4, including the first Test against the South Africans in December 2001. Among those generally regarded as great captains, Steve Waugh’s record is exceeded only by Don Bradman (24 Tests as captain, W/L ratio: 5.00) and England’s Mike Brearley (31 Tests, W/L ratio: 4.5). Even Clive Lloyd achieved a W/L ratio of just 3.00.

With this statistical backdrop, let’s go back to the characteristics of great organisations listed earlier.

Does the Australian Cricketing Establishment have a sense of purpose? What is this purpose?

Lo and behold, the Australian Cricket Board (ACB) has a formal “mission statement”. Articulated in 1999, it clearly positioned Australian Cricket as a business, competing not just against other sports but also against all performing arts. It reads: “To defend and promote the values of …cricket, ensure that Australian teams excel on the field, and be a formidable and successful competitor in the sport and entertainment industries.”

However, it is the contention of this article that while this mission statement was articulated only in 1999, it was really just a public admission of a strategy that went back to the appointment of Border as captain. And, to some degree, the strategic document that accompanies this mission statement is full of holier-than-thou saws, meant for public consumption. To get at the real picture, one has to dig deeper.

Obviously, any analysis must go beyond just the Test team to look at the entire cricketing establishment – the team is only the public face of the organization. We hypothesize, however, that the ACB has a purpose that is far deeper than this mission statement and that this purpose is understood, accepted and imbibed by all members of the establishment. Conventional organizational theory says that all great organisations have this sense of purpose.

So what is the purpose of Australian cricket? It cannot be victories, just as making profits cannot be a sustainable long-term purpose for a commercial organization. Both victories and profits are by-products of a larger purpose.

Nike’s purpose is reported to be “To experience the emotion of competition, winning and crushing competitors” or, in the abbreviated version, “Crush Adidas”. Likewise, the purpose of Australian cricketing could well just be “Crush the Opposition”. This is certainly in sync with the image of the Ugly Australian. But with this kind of purpose, it is unlikely that the affable Mark Taylor would have been such a successful captain. He strove ceaselessly to enhance the image of the Ugly Australian, and succeeded to some extent.

The purpose, then, may be just a cliché, but a cliché brought to glorious life by the Australian cricketers: playing and winning for Australia. Simple patriotism, in other words. Consider this: currently, Australia are world champions in cricket, rugby and netball. The famous Woodies dominated men’s doubles in tennis for about a decade. They have a host of world class individual champions: Ian Thorpe in swimming, Pat Rafter in tennis, Cathy Freeman in athletics. This from a nation with a population of 19 million, 6% the population of the US and not much more than the population of Mumbai. Thus, the reason why the Australian sportsman seeks victory could well be “winning for Australia” rather than money or fame.

What are the core values of the Australian Cricket Establishment?

From interviews given by various members of the Establishment, usually the team captains, it is possible to hypothesise from some data. We submit that the core values of the Australian Cricket Establishment are:

Competitiveness: Under Steve Waugh, competitiveness has an in-your-face feel, perhaps best exemplified by his famous comment to South African, Herschelle Gibbs, after he dropped Waugh in that crucial qualifying game: “Son, you just dropped the World Cup”. Whether through sledging or just refusing to give up, whether in its “grumpy” manifestation under Border or in its “affable” manifestation under Taylor, the Australian cricket team has, for the last 15 years, been by far the most competitive one in international cricket. Under Steve Waugh, this competitiveness has evolved into sheer ruthlessness as Australia has discarded its earlier habit of losing dead rubbers. Now they want to win every Test of every series, and they’ve been doing it.

Teaming: Glenn McGrath epitomized this value when, on receiving the man-of-the-match award after the second Ashes Test against the English, he said he couldn’t have done it without his bowling colleague, Jason Gillespie. The Australian team members, on victory, are quick – to a man – to deflect credit. And they are equally quick to take blame on themselves for defeat.

Lack of Personal Ego: In his autobiography, Mark Taylor describes his amazement at how much criticism he received from Indians and Pakistanis for declaring when he had scored 334 not out and had the world record of 375 at his feet. In his mind, it was a simple decision: declaring then would have given Australia the best chance of winning that match. The Australian team embodies the motto that the individual is lesser than the team. Thus, while individual performances are celebrated, no one player is permitted to become a superstar. They have no star like Brian Lara or Sachin Tendulkar. And, yet, Sunil Gavaskar has said that Waugh is the best batsman playing today because he is more reliable in tough situations. In Test cricket, while Tendulkar has rarely been a match winner, Waugh has often been one. But where’s the hype surrounding Waugh? In the eyes of the world, Tendulkar is considered the best batsman ever to play Test cricket, after Bradman. Yet their performances in crunch situations tell a different story. It also, of course, helps that in refusing to build stars, you further the cause of the team, allowing the teaming value described above to flower to its fullest potential. In a column soon after the third Ashes Test, Waugh has explicitly stated that his focus is on minimizing individual stardom, thereby giving every single member the feeling that it is his responsibility to win the game for his team.

There may be other core values but, for the purposes of this article, these illustrate the point.

Careful Recruitment and Abiding Faith in Those Recruited

We made the point earlier about how the ACB persevered with Border, despite nearly six years of failure. Similarly, they persevered with Taylor through a prolonged slump in form. Both Border and Taylor were replaced only when they chose to bow out. In fact, there’s an adage in Australia that goes: “If it’s tough to get into the Australian cricket team, it’s even tougher to get out.”

For this kind of strategy to pay off, the rationale has to have been very strong. And the results back it up: Mark Taylor emerged from his abyss of self-doubt with a century that enabled Australia to get back into the 1997 Ashes series in which they were trailing England and later vindicated the selectors’ faith by scoring 334 runs in the heat of Pakistan. Similarly, Mark Waugh, Justin Langer, Ricky Ponting and Shane Warne have at various times rewarded their captain’s faith in them.

A cliché, often heard about Australian cricket, is that the selectors pick the team and then select a captain from this team. (This is diametrically the opposite of what happens in India, Pakistan and England, where the captain is picked first.) If that’s true, then it appears to be quite a remarkable coincidence that Taylor retained his place in the team despite his slump. While it can be argued that the team was winning under Taylor and thus there was no reason to drop him, it also indicates that this ‘policy’ is one more bit of hocus pocus for public consumption or, if you prefer, a bit of folklore about Australian cricket. In reality, the reverse is probably truer – the ACB picks its captains very carefully indeed. These captains are then required to buy – unequivocally – into the core purpose and values of the ACB. But, besides that, they are probably selected for something called “servant leadership”.

Servant leadership is a notion that has, relatively recently, entered management literature. A servant leader is one who leads by example and who has the holistic well being of each of his charges very much at heart. Steve Waugh, simultaneously self-effacing and very much in charge, epitomizes the spirit of servant leadership. Border and Taylor, too, come across as this type of leader.

A tale that illustrates how Waugh is the supreme servant leader goes back to a time when he wasn’t even a leader. It was Steve who first heard of his brother Mark’s initial selection and went home to give him the news. An impromptu family celebration followed and it was only some time into the celebration that someone thought to ask “But whom did they drop?” That’s when Steve Waugh said “They dropped me.”

But, obviously, great captaincy only tells part of the story. It is also likely that Australian cricket administrators have been carefully selected and have long tenures. Without primary research, we have been unable to identify these far-sighted administrators – but we have no doubt that they exist.

What processes ensure that the Australian Cricket Team’s purpose is achieved?

The ACB mission statement quotes an old adage: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. It’s obvious that a great deal of thought and planning has gone into making Australian cricket the dominant force it is today – both on and off the field. This article focuses on one on-field process – innovation – and one off-field process – planning. There are, obviously a host of others.

Constant Innovation:

It’s clear that the ACB encourages innovation aggressively. Some examples:
Introduction of different teams for Test and one-day cricket, now copied by almost every team.
A rotational policy for the one-day team so that all players get sufficient experience ahead of the 2003 World Cup. This policy also helps the players stay fresh and ensures that no one is indispensable, which comes in handy in case of injuries.
In Test cricket, scoring at a rate that puts the opposition under unceasing pressure; Steve Waugh has publicly stated that he aims at scoring a minimum of 300 runs each day.

Bowling first on winning the toss, thus contradicting decades of cricketing convention.
To sustain motivation and stay fresh even when winning, the Australian team has developed a policy of trying to attain “one-percent” targets. This works by defining a set of smallish targets and achieving each one by one. This is by no means a new train of thought but its application to cricket is fascinating. The Aussies decided to apply it by trying to 'win' every session of every day of a Test match. Needless to say, it has worked sensationally. Going totally against the "can't see the forest for the trees" maxim, this one seems to suggest that if you concentrate on the trees, you'll navigate the forest just fine. In fact, in the post-match interview after the Chennai Test against India in March, Steve Waugh stated that his team lost the series because they ‘lost’ three sessions. He was referring to the three times Australia lost 7 wickets in a session in the Kolkatta and Chennai Tests.

By forcing changes in the nature of the game, or in business terms, by influencing the industry so that it puts you in the best position among your competitors, Australia gives itself a competitive advantage as other teams struggle to catch up. The general feeling after the Indian tour was that India beat Australia by defeating them at their own game: scoring heavily yet rapidly, giving the bowlers time to play with, great catching and yes, even sledging.

Business theory tells us that for innovation to thrive, failure must be encouraged. Or, in the words of Porras and Collins in their book “Built to Last”, “Try lots of small things and keep the things that work.” We have no way of knowing which innovative attempts of Australia failed and were discarded, although the promotion of Gilchrist to one-down in the Chennai Test could be one example. We’re confident, though, that players have been encouraged to innovate – and forgiven failures.

Long Term Planning

Any greatly successful team must have adequate bench strength. The Australian domestic competition is easily the most competitive one around, evident from the fact that Australian state teams regularly thrash touring national sides. About 7 years ago, instead of the regular three-nation one-day trophy, the ACB decided to make it a quadrangular tournament by introducing an Australian ‘A’ side along with Australia, England and Zimbabwe. This experiment was subsequently scrapped as the members of the Australian side objected to playing against their own countrymen, further illustrating the core purpose discussed earlier. But the important point is that the Australian A side – led by Damien Martyn and with a batting lineup that included Blewett, Bevan, Hayden and Ponting - made it to the final by easily beating both Zimbabwe and England in the round-robin phase. A fiercely competitive domestic competition thus ensures that places in the national team can never be taken for granted and that there is always high quality in the bench ready to make the step up whenever injury strikes.

Also vital to the success of Australian cricket is its coaching infrastructure. When the Indian team returned from their disastrous tour of Australia in 1999/2000, some of the senior players commented that, in terms of training methods and facilities, Australian cricket was 20 years ahead of Indian cricket. A fine example of this is that the Australian Cricket Academy often has someone of the stature of Ian Chappell come in to give lectures to 13-year-olds on the art of captaincy. Similarly, these boys are taught to handle the media and also to handle the bouquets and brickbats that come with being an international cricketer.

We have talked about how the success of Australian cricket has been carefully planned. For this, one eye must always be fixed firmly on the future. After the match-fixing fiasco, the ACB recently announced a pay scheme that will make Australian cricketers, by far, the most highly paid in the world, thus removing any incentives for providing information. Also, in an ageing batting line-up, Ricky Ponting has clearly been identified as the leader of the next generation of Australian batsmen, and that is a major reason why he has not only been retained after his nightmare in India but also pushed up the order. When Steve Waugh was forced out of an Ashes game through injury, Ponting was made vice-captain over the likes of Shane Warne, Glenn McGrath and Mark Waugh. Australia is investing in its cricketing future, and in a big way. Finally, the strategic document of the ACB minutely details its strategy for the Australian A team, the state teams, and even for club cricket, including media coverage they will strive for and their “revenue models”. Dotcoms could have, profitably, learnt a thing or two from this document.


The genesis of this article was the authors’ stumbling upon the conclusion that the Australian Cricketing Establishment was really being run as a business. And, obviously, it is a very successful business. Therefore, it had to follow that much of current management thinking had been adopted and was being followed dedicatedly. From this, we have attempted to deduce the core purpose and core values of this business as well as some of the key processes used to attain this purpose. We would be surprised if much of this has been made explicit. But we firmly believe that there is a passionate commitment to the core purpose on the part of each and every member of the Australian Cricket Establishment. And everything else follows.

We submit, too, that any organization that aims to build durable success has no choice but to “ape” Australian Cricket or, indeed, any of the other truly great organisations. And if the Board of Control for Cricket in India were to learn from this, we would count it a bonus

Monday 16 April 2007

The 90/10 Principle (it is simple mathematics of percentage)

This is bit difficult but one should try to control the 10% instead of going for 90%.

Have you read this before? Discover the 90/10 Principle. It will change your life (at least the way you react to situations). What is this principle? 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react. What does this mean? We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. We cannot stop the car from breaking down.

The plane will be late arriving, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may cut us off in traffic. We have no control over this 10%. The other 90% is different. You determine the other 90%.

How? By your reaction. You cannot control a red light. but you can control your reaction. Don't let people fool you; YOU can control how you react.
Let's use an example. You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just what happened. What happens when the next will be determined by how you react. You curse. You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus.
Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit. After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60 traffic fine away, you arrive at school. Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase. Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.

Why? Because of how you reacted in the morning. Why did you have a bad day?

A) Did the coffee cause it?
B) Did your daughter cause it?
C) Did the policeman cause it?
D) Did you cause it?

The answer is D. You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day. Here is what could have and should have happened. Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "It's ok honey, you just need, to be more careful next time". Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day you are having.

Notice the difference? Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both ended different. Why? Because of how you REACTED. You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other 90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle.

If someone says something negative about you, don't be a sponge. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You don't have to let the negative comment affect you! React properly and it will not ruin your day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc.

How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off) Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try and bump them? WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive? Remember the 90/10 principle, and do not worry about it.

You are told you lost your job. Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job.

The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take out your frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse. Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it.

The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle. The result? Millions of people are suffering from undeserved stress, trials, problems and heartache. There never seem to be a success in life. Bad days follow bad days. Terrible things seem to be constantly happening. There is constant stress, lack of joy, and broken relationships. Worry consumes time. Anger breaks friendships and life seems dreary and is not enjoyed to the fullest. Friends are lost. Life is a bore and often seems cruel. Does this describe you? If so, do not be discouraged
You can be different! Understand and apply the 90/10 principle. It will change your life.

Saturday 14 April 2007


It is a four piece jigsaw puzzle which, when joined together, brings out a new vibrant image. The four jigsaws are nothing but Men, Material, Money and Entrepreneur. To us Entrepreneur is a key jigsaw, bubbling with ideas and fresh ideation to enjoin the other jigsaws of production
to create Wealth.

Friday 13 April 2007

Our Quality Policy

Right Things At The Right Time

Our Mission Statement

To Offer You Apt & Quality Services & Solutions



Sleep less. This is one of the best investments you can make to make your life more productive and rewarding. Most people do not need more than 6 hours to maintain an excellent state of health. Try getting up one hour earlier for 3-4 weeks and it will develop into a powerful habit. Remember, it is the quality not the quantity of sleep that is important. And just imagine having an extra 30 hours a month to spend on the things that are important to you.
Set aside one hour every morning for personal development matters. Meditate, visualize your day, read inspirational texts to set the tone of your day, listen to motivational tapes or read great literature. Take this quiet period to vitalize and energize your spirit for the productive day ahead. Watch the sun rise once a week or be with nature. Starting the day off well is a powerful strategy for self-renewal and personal effectiveness.
Do not allow those things that matter the most in your life be at the mercy of activities that matter the least. Every day, take the time to ask yourself the question "is this the best use of my time and energy?" Time management is life management so guard your time with great care.
Remember that your expectations create your reality and life pretty much sends you what you think and expect.
Always answer the phone with enthusiasm in your voice and show your appreciation for the caller. Good phone manners are essential. To convey authority on the line, stand up. This will instill further confidence in your voice.
Throughout the day we all get inspiration and excellent ideas. Capture them. Keep a set of cards (the size of business cards; available at most stationary stores) in your wallet along with a pencil to jot down these insights. When you get home, put the ideas in a central place such as a coil notepad and review them from time to time. As noted by Oliver Wendell Holmes: "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."
Set aside every Sunday evening for yourself and be strongly disciplined with this habit. Use this period to plan your week, visualize your encounters and what you want to achieve, to read new materials and inspirational books, to listen to soft soothing music and to simply relax. This habit will serve as your anchor to keep you focused, motivated and effective throughout the coming week.
Always remember the key principle that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. This means the way you communicate with others and, more importantly, the way you communicate with yourself. What you focus on is what you get. If you look for the positive this is what you get. This is a fundamental law of Nature.
Stay on purpose, not on outcome. In other words, do the task because it is what you love to do or because it will help someone or is a valuable exercise. Don't do it for the money or the recognition. Those will come naturally. This is the way of the world.
Laugh for five minutes in the mirror each morning. Steve Martin does. Laughter activates many beneficial chemicals within the body that place us into a very joyous state. Laughter also returns the body to a state of balance. Laughter therapy has been regularly used to heal persons with varied ailments and is a wonderful tonic for life's ills. While the average 4 year old laughs 500 times a day, the average adult is lucky to laugh 15 times a day. Revitalize the habit of laughter, it will put far more living into your life.
Light a candle beside you when you are reading in the evening. It is most relaxing and creates a wonderful, soothing atmosphere. Make your home an oasis from the frenzied world outside. Fill it with great music, great books and great friends.
To enhance your concentration and powers of focus, count your steps when you walk. This is a particularly strong technique. Take six steps while taking a long inhale, hold your breath for another six steps, and then exhale for six steps. If six steps is too long for the breaths, do whatever you feel comfortable with. You will feel very alert, refreshed, internally quiet and centered after this exercise. So many people allow their minds to be filled with mental chatter. All peak performers appreciate the power of a quiet, clear mind which will concentrate steadily on all important tasks.

Learn to meditate effectively. The mind is naturally a very noisy machine which wants to move from one subject to another like an unchained monkey. One must learn to restrain and discipline it if one is to achieve anything of substance and to be peaceful. Meditation for twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes in the evening will certainly provide you with exceptional results if regularly practiced for six months. Learned sages of the East have been advancing the many benefits of meditation for over 5000 years.
Learn to be still. The average person doesn't spend even 30 minutes a month in total silence and tranquility. Develop the skill of sitting quietly, enjoying the powerful silence for at least ten minutes a day. Simply think about what is important to you in your life. Reflect on your mission. Silence indeed is golden. As the Zen master once said, it is the space between the bars that holds the cage.
Enhance your will-power; it is likely one of the best training programs you can invest in. All elite performers have high levels of self-discipline. Here are some ideas to strengthen your will and become a stronger person:
a) Do not let your mind float like a piece of paper in the wind. Work hard to keep it focused at all times. When doing a task, think of nothing else. When walking to work, count the steps that it takes to get all the way to the office. This is not easy but your mind will soon understand that you hold its reins and not vice versa. Your mind must eventually become as still as a candle flame in a corner where there is no draft.
b) Your will is like a muscle. You must first exercise it and then push before it gets stronger. This necessarily involves short term pain but be assured that the improvements will come and will touch your character in a most positive way. When you are hungry, wait another hour before your meal. When you are laboring over a difficult task and your mind is prompting you to pick up the latest magazine for a break or to get up and go talk to a friend, curb the impulse. Soon you will be able to sit for hours in a precisely concentrated state. Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest classical physicists the world has produced, once said: "if I have done the public any service, it is due to patient thought." Newton had a remarkable ability to sit quietly and think without interruption for very long periods of time. If he can develop this so can you.
c) You can also build your will-power by restraint in your conduct with others. Speak less (use the 60/40 Rule = listen 60% of the time and speak a mere 40%, if that). This will not only make you more popular but you will learn much wisdom as everyone we meet, every day has something to teach us. Also restrain the urge to gossip or to condemn someone who you feel has made a mistake. Stop complaining and develop a cheerful, vital and strong personality. You will greatly influence others.
d) When a negative thought comes to your mind, immediately replace it with one that is positive. Positive always dominates over the negative and your mind has to be conditioned to think only the best thoughts. Negative thinking is a conditioned process whereby the negative patterns are established over and over. Rid yourself of any limitations and become a powerful positive thinker.
Make an effort to be humorous throughout the day. Not only is it beneficial from a physical viewpoint but it diffuses tension in difficult circumstances and creates an excellent atmosphere wherever you are. It was recently reported that members of the Tauripan tribe of South America have a ritual where they awake in the middle of the night to tell each other jokes. Even tribesmen in the deepest sleep wake to enjoy the laugh and then return to their state of slumber in seconds. The shortest distance between two human beings is laughter.
Become a highly disciplined time manager. There are roughly 168 hours in a week. This surely allows plenty of time for achievement of the many goals we desire to accomplish. Be ruthless with your time. Set aside a few minutes each morning to plan your day. Plan around your priorities and focus on not only those tasks which are immediate but not important (i.e., many telephone calls) but especially on those which are important but not urgent, for these allow for the greatest personal and professional development. Important but not immediate activities are those which produce long-term, sustainable benefits and include exercise, strategic planning, the development of relationships and professional education. Never let the things which matter most be placed in the backseat as compared to those that matter least.
You become who you drink coffee with. Associate only with positive, focused people who you can learn from and who will not drain your valuable energy with complaining and uninspiring attitudes. By developing relationships with those committed to constant improvement and the pursuit of the best that life has to offer, you will have plenty of company on your path to the top of whatever mountain you seek to climb.
Stephen Hawking, one of the great modern physicists of the world, is reported to have said that we are on a minor planet of a very average star located within the outer limits of one of a hundred thousand million galaxies. Are your problems really significant in light of this? You walk this Earth for but a short time. Why not become devoted to having only a wonderful experience. Why not dedicate yourself to leaving a powerful legacy to the world? Sit down now and write out a list of all that you have in your life. Start first with your health or your family - the things we often take for granted. Put down the country we live in and the food we eat. Do not stop until you have written down fifty items. Once every few days, go through this list - you will be uplifted and recognize the richness of your existence.
You must have a personal philosophy in life. This is simply a set of guiding principles which clearly state where you are going and where you want to be at the end of your life. A mission statement embodies your values. It is your personal lighthouse keeping you steadily on the course of your dreams. Over a period of one month, set a few hours aside to write down five or ten principles which will govern your life and which will keep you focused at all times. Examples might be to consistently serve others, to be a considerate citizen, to become highly wealthy or to serve as a powerful leader. Whatever the mission statement of your life, refine it and review it regularly. Then when something adverse happens or someone tries to pull you off course, you quickly and precisely return to your chosen path with the full knowledge that you are moving in the direction that you have selected.
No one can insult or hurt you without your permission. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is the way you interpret events which unfold before you. Highly successful people are master interpreters. People who have attained greatness have an ability which they have developed to interpret negative or disempowering events as positive challenges which will assist them in growing and moving even farther up the ladder of success. There are no negative experiences only experiences which aid in your development and toughen your character so that you may soar to new heights. There are no failures, only lessons.
Take a speed reading course. Reading is a powerful way to gain many years of experience from a few hours of study. For example, most biographies reflect the strategies and philosophies of great leaders or courageous individuals. Read them and model them. Speed reading will allow you to digest large quantities of material in relatively small periods of time.
Remember people's names and treat everyone well. This habit, along with enthusiasm, is one of the great success secrets. Everyone in this world wears an imaginary button that screams out "I WANT TO FEEL IMPORTANT AND APPRECIATED!". Leave people better than you found them and just watch your own life change.
Be soft as a flower when it comes to kindness but tough as thunder when it comes to principle. Be courteous and polite at all times but never be pushed around. Ensure that you are always treated with respect.
Do something each day to improve yourself and your life. Even a daily enhancement of only 1% will lead to a 30% improvement just four weeks from today.
Be truthful, patient, persevering, modest and generous. And be the kindest person you know.
Soak in a warm bath at the end of a long, productive day. Reward yourself for even the smallest of achievement. Take time out for renewal of your mind, body and spirit. Soon all your more important goals will be met and you will move to the next level of peak performance.
Learn the power of breathing and its relationship with your energy source. The mind is intimately connected with your breathing. For example, when the mind is agitated, your breathing becomes quick and shallow. When you are relaxed and focused, your breathing is deep and calm. By practicing deep, abdominal breathing, you will develop a calm, serene demeanor that will remain cool in the hottest of circumstances. Remember the rule of the Eastern mountain men: "to breathe properly is to live properly."
Recognize and cultivate the power of self-suggestion. It works and is an essential tool in maintaining peak performance. We are all performers in one way or another and it is particularly valuable to use such techniques of athletes and public figures for our own enhancement. If you want to become more enthusiastic, repeat "I am more enthusiastic today and am improving this trait daily". Repeat it over and over. Purchase a legal notepad and write out this mantra 500 times. Do it for three weeks with regular practice and feel that this quality is developing. Very soon it will come. This is a strategy that Indian sages have employed for thousands of years to aid their spiritual and mental development. Do not be discouraged if the results are not immediate, they will certainly develop. The spoken word is a powerful influencer of the mind.
Maintain a journal to measure your progress and to express your thoughts. Writing out not only your successes but your troubles is one of the world's most effective methods of erasing the worry habit, staying in optimum state and developing precision of thought. Your life is worth living so your life is worth recording.

Stress is simply a response which you create in the interpretation of an event. You see the world – not as it is but as you are. Two people might find that a given event results in quite different responses. For example, an after dinner speech might strike fear into the heart of an inexperienced speaker while a strong orator views it as a wonderful opportunity to share his thoughts. Understanding that the perceived negative effects of an event or task may be mentally manipulated and conditioned towards the positive, will allow you to be a peak performer in all instances.
Read "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. It contains a wealth of wisdom and powerful insights into further developing your character and enhancing your personal relationships.
Become a committed learning CD user. Most personal-mastery programs and bestselling business books are now offered in this format. Listen to these inspirational materials on your way to work, whilst waiting in the line at a bank or while you wash dishes in the evening. Make your car a college on wheels and use the drive time to make knowledge your best friend. All down time can be very effectively used in this productive fashion. Use such opportunities to learn and continually expand your mind and its vast potential. All it takes is one big ideas to transform your life.
Try fasting one day every two weeks. During these fast days, drink fruit juice and eat fresh fruits only. You will feel more energetic, cleansed and alert. Fasting also has a salutary effect on your will-power as you are subverting the otherwise pressing impulses in your mind calling on you to eat more. And it will give your digestive system a much-needed break.
Keep a CD player at your office and listen to soft, soothing music throughout the day. Place pleasant scents and inspirational pictures in your workplace. By the magic of association, your work will become something you enjoy even more and arouse a very pleasant feeling within you. Budget your time on trips such that you can spend half an hour in the airport bookstore. They always contain the latest and best self-mastery books and tapes given that those who travel by air are of a group that finds value in these materials.
Read "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen. And don't just read this little book once, read it over and over again. It contains an abundance of timeless wisdom on living a fuller and happier life.
Remember that forgiveness is a virtue that few develop, but one that is most important to maintaining peace of mind. Mark Twain wrote that forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. Practice forgiveness especially in those situations where it is seemingly difficult. By using your emotional forgiveness muscles more regularly, petty wrongs, remarks and slights will not touch you and nothing will penetrate your concentrated, serene mindset.
Empty your cup. A full cup cannot accept anything more. Similarly, a person who believes that he cannot learn anything else will stagnate quickly and not move to higher levels. A true sign of a secure, mature individual is someone who sees every opportunity as a chance to learn. Even the teachers have teachers.
The Two Minute Mind is an excellent exercise for developing concentration. Simply stare at the second hand on your wristwatch for two minutes and think about nothing else for that time. At first your mind will wander but after 21 days of practice, your attention will not waver during the routine. One of the greatest qualities a person can develop to ensure his success is the ability to focus for extended periods of time. Learn to build up your concentration muscles and no task will be too difficult for you.
Drink a cup of warm water before a speech. Ronald Reagan employed this strategy to ensure that he maintained his honey-smooth voice. Mastery of the art of public speaking is a noble goal. So dedicate yourself to it. You will be judged by the caliber of your communication skills.
When you stand and meet someone, stand firm and steadfast. A telling sign of an unfocused, weak mind is constant fidgeting, shifting of the eyes and shallow breathing.
Act strong and you will be strong. Have courage and inspire others with your actions. But always be considerate.
Ask not what this world can give you but, rather, what you can give to this world. Make service an important goal in your life. It is a most fulfilling investment of time. Remember, in the twilight of your life, when all is said and done, the quality of your life boils down to the quality of your contribution to others. Leave a rich legacy for those around you to savor. Sustained happiness does not come from what you get but from what you give.
Once a week, rise at dawn. It is a magical time of day. Be still, go for a walk or simply listen to an old Ella Fitzgerald recording. Take a long, hot shower and do 100 pushups. Read one of the classics. You will feel alive and invigorated. Getting up early builds self-discipline and self-respect.
Your health is your wealth. Without excellent health, you have nothing. Make being in world-class physical condition your number one priority.
Master the art of public speaking. There are few natural speakers. One great trial lawyer stammered dreadfully but through courage and strength of conviction, he developed into a brilliant orator. Role model anyone you think is a highly effective, influential communicator. Visualize a picture of this person. Stand like him, smile like him, and talk like him. The results will startle you.
Seek out leadership speakers committed to character training and lifelong success. Make it a point to attend inspirational lectures each month to consistently renew the importance of personal growth in your mind. In a two hour seminar, you can learn powerful techniques and strategies that others have spent many years learning and refining. Never feel that you have no time for gathering new ideas, you are investing in yourself.
Read the wonderful book "Discovering Happiness" by Dennis Wholey. It will certainly open up new horizons for you in your quest for an optimal state of health and happiness.
To enhance your concentration, read a passage in a book you have never explored. Then try to recite it verbatim. Practice this for only 5 minutes a day and enjoy the results which follow after a few months of effort.
Try entering a 5 km running race and then a 10 km event. The adrenaline that flows from the experience of racing with several hundred other fitness-minded people is exhilarating. By constantly pushing the envelope of your capacity, your potential will quickly unfold. Remember, the body will give you only what you ask of it.

Aromas have been proven to be an effective means of entering a state of relaxation. Scents have a very noticeable effect on your mindset and moods. Purchase the essential oils of orange and clove bud from your local health food shop. Put a few drops of either oil within a cup of boiling water and inhale the sweet smelling steam for a few minutes. Then let the mixture sit in the room where you are resting. You will gain a sense of peace and serenity. A little apple spice in the air has recently been shown to induce a far more restful sleep.
Cultivate the art of walking half an hour after you have finished eating your evening meal. Walks in natural settings are the very best. Walking is, perhaps, nature's ideal exercise. And when you walk, do not think about work or about the bills or about the challenges you might be facing - this will neutralize many of the benefits. Simply enjoy the walk. Notice the richness of your surroundings. Let your senses drink in the beauty of nature and the crispness of the air for a change. So many people who have mastered the art of growing younger have also mastered the habit of a daily walk.
Start a program of weight lifting at the gym. Strong people are mentally tough people. As you age, you need not lose your physical nor your mental strength. 75 year-old men are running marathons, 80 year-old women have scaled mountains and 90 year-old grandparents are living rich, productive lives. Whether you are 19 or 93, stay fit, stay motivated and stay passionate about life.
Work with a life coach. Coaching will help you get to your best life more quickly and elegantly.
In terms of business attire, dark suits (navy blue and charcoal grey) reflect power, sophistication and authority. Have you ever seen a prime minister or president in a tan suit?
Regularly send handwritten notes to your business clients and your other relations to strengthen the bond. Develop a system which reminds you to send something valuable to this network at least once every four months. Send them postcards when you are away on vacation. If you have to buy a few hundred postcards and spend an hour writing, don't worry. This is an exceptionally good investment of your time. Another idea is to send a recent article of interest to your contacts with a handwritten note saying that you thought this would interest them and that you continue to value their friendship. Relationship building should always be a central focus whether you are a CEO, a student, a salesperson or a parent.
Two of the fundamentals for a happy, joyful life are balance and moderation. One must maintain a balance of all activities and do nothing to extremes.
Drink Jasmine tea which can be obtained from any Chinese herbal shop. It is excellent for your general health and is very relaxing. Also try placing a few slices of fresh ginger in a cup of hot water for a superb tea that will restore vitality and keep you in a peak physical condition.
Remember that effective time management makes you more rather than less flexible. It allows you to do the things that you really want to do rather than the things you really have to do.
Do not take personal development books as gospel. They simply reflect that particular author’s truth and worldview. Read them and take whatever useful ideas you need. Some people feel they must do everything suggested and take the techniques to extremes. Every book has at least one tool or strategy of benefit. Take what you need and what works for you and discard what doesn't suit you.
Become an adventurer. The human brain craves novelty. Revitalize your spirit and sense of playfulness. Become a kid again. Once every few months, plan to enjoy a new, thrilling activity such as white water rafting, scuba diving, windsurfing, rock-climbing, joining a martial arts club, sailing, deep sea fishing or camping. This will keep your life in perspective, bring you closer to those you share the activity with and keep you feeling invigorated and young.
Spend time with Nature. Natural settings have a powerful effect on your senses which in turn will lead to a sense of renewal, refreshment and peacefulness. Peak performers through the ages have understood the importance of getting back to Nature. Start camping or simply taking quiet walks in the forest. Rest by a sparkling stream. Cultivate your own little garden which will serve as your personal oasis in the middle of a crowded city. By cultivating a friendship with Nature, you will quickly find more serenity, contentment and richness in your life.
Recall the wise saying "mens sana in corpore sano" which means in a sound body rests a sound mind. Never neglect the body which is intimately connected to the mind. This is your temple. Feed it the finest fuels, exercise daily and care for it as you would your prized possession - because it is.
Be so strong that nothing interferes with your peace of mind. A well-known boxer was once unhappy. When asked why, he said that he had allowed himself to think a negative thought. Curb your desires and stay centered and focused - it gets easier with practice. You truly cannot afford the luxury of even one negative thought.
Do not eat three hours before sleep. This allows for smoother digestion and a more restful sleep. For deeper, more renewing sleep, remember that a daily dose of exercise promotes good sleep as does a period of relaxation an hour before bed. Also do not bring work to bed with you or think about anything which might agitate you. Ease yourself into sleep like a baby being sung a soft, soothing lullaby. And finally, as Leonardo da Vinci said: "a well-spent day brings happy sleep."
Be careful about your reputation. If it is good it will take you to the highest of heights. But once tarnished, it will be difficult to retrieve. Always reflect on your course of action. Never do anything you wouldn't be proud to tell your mother about. Have fun always but temper it with common sense and prudence.
Find mentors to model who will guide you in your progress. The mistakes of the world have all been made once before - why shouldn't you have the benefit of the experience of others? Find someone who has both courage and consideration for others, someone who is therefore mature. Your mentor must have only your best interests in mind and should be sufficiently senior to offer you good guidance on the subjects you seek assistance with. Everyone needs to feel appreciated and even the busiest of executives will find time to assist a person who respects them and values their advice.
Make a list of all your weaknesses. A truly confident and enlightened person will note a weakness and seek to methodically improve. Bear in mind that even the greatest and most powerful people have weaknesses. Some are better than others in hiding them. On the other hand, get to know your best qualities and cultivate them.

Never complain. Your words have power and the language you use determines the way you perceive reality. Be known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person. Someone who complains, is cynical and always looks for the negative in everything, will scare people away and rarely will succeed at anything. From a purely psychological viewpoint, things are always created twice: once in the mind and then in reality. Focus on the positive. Be so mentally tough that nothing takes you off your planned course to success. Visualize and firmly believe in what you want. It will most certainly come true.
Overlook the weaknesses of your friends. If you look for flaws you will most surely find them. Be mature enough to ignore the petty failings of others and see the good that each one inherently possesses. We can learn from everyone. Everyone has a story to tell, a joke to share and a lesson to learn. Open your mind to this and you will learn a tremendous amount. Friends are so very important to a happy existence - especially those who have shared many experiences and laughs with you. Work hard to make friendships, and all your relationships for that matter, stronger and richer. Call your friends, buy them small gifts of books or other items you believe they might enjoy. The "law of the farm" applies to relationships as well as to the rest of life - you reap what you sow and to have great friends you must first be one.
Be kind, considerate and courteous. But also be shrewd and know when to be tough and courageous. This is the mark of a well-defined character and you will surely command respect. It is most useful to read books on friendliness and enhancing relationships by being a good listener, showing others sincere appreciation and refining other inter-personal skills. But, to truly succeed, one must also recognize that worldly wisdom and shrewdness are essential skills to foster. Become an expert in human psychology and be able to read the essence of people. Never be taken advantage of and be aware of the politics around you. Stay above petty gossiping and office politics but appreciate that they indeed exist and know what goes on behind your back. Every great leader does.
Create your identity in the world as a highly competent, strong, disciplined, calm and decent individual. Find that crucial balance between working on the image that you project to the rest of the world and your inner character. The successful citizens of this world think thrice before they speak because a word uttered can never be retrieved. Speak only good things and people will flock to you. Never speak ill of others and all will know you will not malign them behind their backs. Build your character and live a highly principled life. Shine.
Familiarity breeds contempt is a very good rule. The stars remain far above the Earth. You must keep a distance from all but your closest of relations. Once people see everything of a leader he loses his aura and with it the authority and mystique he may have created. For example, Ronald Reagan was known to many as an excellent leader. He carefully cultivated his image of a folksy, considerate politician who kept the interests of the United States first and foremost in his mind. At gatherings of world leaders, he commanded attention and respect in his dark suits, surrounded by the trappings of power such as political aides, security officers and a convoy of limousines. As soon as he appeared, thoughts of authority and power came to our minds. Did you ever see the President with his shirt off swimming at his pool? How about in his dressing gown after waking up after one of his long sleeps, hair tousled and beard grown? Reagan's handlers never allowed such glimpses because they detract from the perception of authority. The American nation was not exposed to these sights. In the Clinton Era things changed and you saw the President eating Big Macs and wearing baseball caps with a full business suit. Whilst these scenes may be endearing to the public, there is little doubt that President Clinton was more familiar to us, merely another one of us and, unlike the stars above, much closer to the ground.
Learn to organize your time. It is incorrect to say that by becoming a meticulous time manager and living by a carefully defined schedule you become rigid and non-spontaneous. Rather, proper organization allows one to accomplish those goals which are truly important as well as enjoy leisure time. Good time management offers more time for fun and relaxation - not less. These important periods are scheduled into the week just like other commitments which may appear more pressing. Neither are sacrificed. Also, discipline yourself and stop wasting time on all those immediate and pressing but unimportant tasks (i.e., the ringing phones) and concentrate on the activities that are truly meaningful to your life's mission. Such activities include time for self-renewal and reflection, time forging relationships built on trust and mutual respect, time for physical fitness, time to read and think deeply and time serving others in your community.
Be a world-class thinker. Keep well-informed about current events, the latest books and popular trends. Many peak performers read five or six papers a day. You don't have to read every story of every paper. Know what to focus on, what to pass by and what to clip out and read at another time (many successful people scan scores of magazines and papers, clipping out articles of interest; these articles go into a file folder which can be read in your down time). Knowledge is power. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a corporate leader or someone leading a family, you can profoundly change your life and the lives of those around you with a single idea. Just ask Gates, Edison and Bell.
When choosing your life partner, remember that this is the most important decision of your lifetime. The marriage relationship offers 90% of all your support, happiness and fulfillment so choose it wisely. Consider qualities such as affection, sense of humor, intelligence, integrity, maturity, temperament, compatibility and that indescribable characteristic of chemistry. If these are present, your relationship stands an excellent chance of great success. Move slowly and let no one press you into an uncomfortable decision. Be true to yourself.
Today, raise your standards. Step into the highest version of your best self. You can transform your life with a single choice.
Schedule relaxation time into your week and be ruthless in protecting it. You would not schedule another activity into the time planned for an important meeting with the president of your company or your best client so why would you put off a period to invest in yourself? We must have time for ourselves to reflect, unwind and recharge our batteries. These are the renewal activities that allow us to maintain peak performance and are exceptionally valuable periods.
83% of our sensory input comes from our eyes. To truly concentrate on something, shut your eyes and you will remove much distraction.
Be the master of your will but the servant of your conscience.
Develop the wonderful habit of a daily swim. It will promote excellent health, keep you relaxed and concentrated, lean and trim. Swimming is not stressful on the body, provides a great workout for the lungs and requires little time to do effectively. Remember that in a fit body resides a fit mind.
People who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tomorrow.
The key to successful time management is doing what you planned to do when you planned to do it. Keep your mind fully on the task at hand. Only then will you achieve all your goals and have time for the things that matter most. Although it is imperative to be flexible (a bow too tightly strung will soon break), following your planned schedule requires no more than simple discipline.
An excellent visualization technique: if you are worrying about something, picture the words of your worry on a piece of paper. Now ignite a match to the paper and watch the worry dissipate into flames. Bruce Lee, the great martial arts master employed this mental control device regularly.
Compartmentalize your worry. Set aside a certain amount of time to ponder over a problem and map out an effective plan of attack and your options. Once this is done, have the mental fortitude not to come back to the problem and go over it again and again. The human mind is a strange creature - things we want to forget keep coming back and those things we want to remember are not there when we want them. But the mind is similar to a muscle and the more you flex it the stronger it will become. Make it your servant. Feed it only the best nutrition and information. It will serve you well and perform magic if you believe in it.

Peak performers are physically relaxed and mentally engaged.

To be at your performance peak mentally, your body must be loose physically and relaxed. It is now beyond dispute that there is a mind-body connection and when the body is supple, free from tension, the mind is clear, calm and focused as well. This is why yoga is such a beneficial activity. It keeps the body relaxed so that the mind can follow. Basic stretching for 15 minutes a day is also an excellent way to release tension that builds up as a result of our life in this highly complex and fast moving, but wonderful world. Try having a massage or power lounging in a Jacuzzi. Relax the body and you relax the mind.
Prepare a detailed financial plan for the next few years and follow it. Seek out financial advice if you need it. A powerful strategy for financial mastery is also a simple one: save 10% of all you make for long-term growth (take this off the pay cheque before you have a chance to spend it). If you can invest $200 a month for the next 30 years at an annual return rate of 15%, you will end up with $1.4 million dollars. Being wise with your money is one of the very best investments to make. Financial security leads to personal freedom.
Readers are leaders. U.S. President Bill Clinton read more than 300 books during his short time at Oxford University. Some top performers read a book a day. Seek out knowledge and information. We have truly entered the age of massive information and those who are proactive can use this to their advantage. The more you know, the less you fear.

Get into the excellent habit of reading something positive and inspirational before you go to bed and as soon as you awake in the morning. You will soon note the benefits as these thoughts will be supporting you throughout the day.
Make it one of your goals to develop a dynamic, charismatic personality. Such a quality is something each one of us has the potential to develop but few do. President Kennedy was a sickly youth but rose above his physical problems to be the most charismatic and exciting political figure in the history of the United States. Start off small. Take a Dale Carnegie course on public speaking. Go to the library where you will find books on the fine art of conversation and personal grooming. Learn three clean and witty jokes and get in the habit of socializing. You will have fun and build a lasting network of friends and associates.
On the subject of conversation, a Chinese proverb states as follows: "a single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books." Seek out the wise and learn from them. They are just waiting for that small spark of interest to tell you all that you need to know.
Lao-Tzu prized three essential qualities for a person of greatness: "the first is gentleness; the second is frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others. Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men."
"When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take - choose the bolder," said W. J. Slim. There is no substitute for courage and though the chance of stubbing your toe increases the more you walk, it is always better than going nowhere by standing still. Take chances, take smart risks and you will meet with success beyond your dreams.
Become your spouse's number one supporter, the one who is always there supporting and fueling hopes and dreams. Develop together and march confidently through the world as an army of two.
Think of three people who can provide you with inspiration, motivation and support for your goals and aspirations. Plan to meet with each one of them over the next few weeks. Listen enthusiastically to them and brainstorm with them. Map out a strategy and take their wise counsel.
Make every one of your days a true masterpiece. Remember the old saying: "it's not who you think you are that holds you back but what you think you're not."
Just as valuable energy is wasted by spending time on activities that are of no value, energy can be wasted on loose thinking. Imagine that your mind has an energy measure of 1000 watts at its disposal. Each time your mind wanders off the project at hand, to a nagging worry, to all the things to do by the end of the day, 100 watts is lost. Quite soon the entire energy supply is gone. This is the nature of the mind. Fail to discipline it and your energy levels will be depleted and your accomplishments will be minimal. Control it and you will see great things happening. You will feel more powerful and achieve difficult tasks with ease. The 19th century philosopher Henri Frederic Amiel summed it up nicely: "for purposes of action, nothing is more useful than narrowness of thought combined with energy of will."
It has been rightly said that "you sow an action, you reap a habit. You sow a habit, you reap a character. You sow a character, you reap a destiny." The essence of a person is his character - make yours unique, unblemished and strong. Do not say you will do anything unless you will indeed do it. Speak the truth and measure your words wisely. Be humble, straightforward and peaceful.

A contented mind is a continual feast. Greed and material desires must be curbed to achieve lasting happiness and serenity. Be happy with what you have. Do you really need all of those material possessions? One can develop contentment just as one develops patience, courage and concentration - with daily practice and sincere desire.
Make a new friend or acquaintance every day. Keep an updated list of all contacts close at hand. Rich relationships are the DNA of a rich, rewarding life.

Remember this ancient Indian proverb: "if you conquer your mind, you conquer the world."

Place greater importance on staying happy than amassing material possessions. A zest for life is developed and carefully nurtured through thoughtful activities and pursuits.
Contrary to popular opinion, stress is not a bad thing. It allows us to perform at peak levels and can assist us through the flood of chemicals it releases within our bodies. What is harmful is too much stress, or more particularly, a lack of relief from stress. The times of stress must be balanced nicely with times of pure relaxation and leisure for us to be healthy and at our best. Many of the great leaders of our time were exposed to crushing workloads and the burdens of high office. But they prospered by developing strategies to balance the challenging times with fun and calming times. President Kennedy would have regular naps in his White House office. Winston Churchill had the same practice and slept for one hour every afternoon to stay alert, focused and calm. Not only is it essential to be physically relaxed to maintain optimal health but one must couple this trait with mental serenity. Too often people think that vigorous exercise, good nutrition and pleasant leisure activities will be the panacea for all ills. These pursuits must be combined with positive thinking and peace of mind for true happiness and longevity.
Get into the habit of taking mental vacations throughout the day. Visit Bermuda for five minutes in the morning. Visualize a swim in the Mediterranean in the afternoon and skiing down the slopes of the Alps just before you head for home at the end of your busy and productive day. Try this for two months and schedule these rest periods into your agenda just as you would your essential meetings or tasks. The rewards will be significant.
A change is as good as a rest. Whether this change is as major as a change of employment or as minor as a leisure pursuit which occupies your entire attention for an hour three times a week, these changes in routine, and mindset are entirely beneficial. In selecting the activity, try to find something totally engaging which requires deep concentration so that your mind is free from the mundane but seemingly important aspects of your day. Many executives are becoming involved in the martial arts for just this reason. If your mind wanders for even a split second, a harsh lesson is soon learned. Pain is a great motivator and always will be.
Study these 10 fundamentals of happiness:
- Pursue a productive, exciting and active life
- Engage in meaningful activities every minute of every day
- Develop an organized, planned lifestyle with little chaos
- Set realistic goals yet keep your mark high
- Think positively
- you cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought
- Avoid needless worry over trifling matters
- Devote time to fun
- Develop a warm, outgoing personality with a sincere love of people
- Get in the habit of giving more than receiving
- Learn to live in the present. The past is water under the bridge of life.

Strive to be humble and live a simple life.

Read "A History of Knowledge" by Charles Van Doren which chronicles the history of the world's ideas. In this one book is an absolute wealth of knowledge. Get it, read it and enjoy it.

Read "The Art of the Leader" by William A. Cohen. It is both inspirational and practical.


Develop that elusive quality known as charisma. The following are ten qualities of a charismatic leader:
- Be committed to what you are doing
- Look like a winner and act like one
- Have big dreams, a vision and reach for the sky
- Steadily advance in the direction of your goals
- Prepare and work hard at every task you do
- Build a mystique around yourself
- Be interested in others and show kindness
- Have a strong sense of humour
- Be known for the strength of your character
- Have grace under pressure. (John F. Kennedy said that "the elusive half-step between middle management and true leadership is grace under pressure.")

In work, love and life, play hard and play fair.

Do not talk when you are listening. Interrupting is one of the most common discourtesies. Listen aggressively with the full scope of your attention. You will be amazed at what you learn and how your counsel will soon be sought by many.
"Anybody can become angry - that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." - Aristotle
Knowledge is power. People who have achieved great success are not necessarily more skillful or intelligent than others. What separates them is their burning desire and thirst for knowledge. The more one knows, the more one achieves. Great leaders have techniques to allow them to arrive at the top of the mountain. Read the biographies of the world's leaders and learn from their habits, inspirations and philosophies. Cultivate the important practice of active role modeling.
All the answers to any questions are in print. How to improve as a public speaker, how to improve your relations with others, how to become fitter or develop a better memory - all aspects of personal development are dealt with in books. Therefore, in order to achieve your maximum potential, you must read daily. But, in this age of information, you must be ruthless in what you consume. Focus on your goals and read only those materials that will be an asset to you. Do not attempt to read everything for you are busy and have other tasks at hand. Choose what is important and filter out what is of no value. Begin with a solid newspaper every morning for an excellent summary of the key events of the day. Also ensure that your readings are broadly based. For example, perhaps you may wish to read history, business, Eastern philosophy, health books etc. Then go to the library and develop the habit of making regular visits. Read the classics from Hemingway to Bram Stoker. Read history, with all its lessons on life and read biology for a new perspective. Look under the heading of "success" at the library and you will be amazed at the literature you will find: inspirational stories of people who developed greatness in the face of adversity, strategies for improving yourself physically, mentally and spiritually and texts to tap the unlimited power for success that certainly exists within us. Drink deeply from such books. Surround yourself with them and read them constantly whether on the bus each day or before you go to bed. Let them inspire and motivate you.
Get into the habit of breakfast meetings. An early meal to touch base with a friend or business associate is a most pleasant way to start the day and allows you to maintain your contacts in the face of a busy schedule.
If you live in an apartment, try to ensure that it is very bright and has a swimming pool. A pool is especially important because it will allow you to exercise no matter how busy your schedule. There is nothing like a refreshing swim after a long, productive day. You will feel excellent and sleep like a baby.
"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

Today is yesterday's pupil." - Benjamin Franklin

If you have a choice of taking two paths, always take the more daring of the two. Calculated risk taking often produces extraordinary results.
Every day, get away from the noise, the crowds and the rush and spend a few hours alone in peaceful introspection, deep reading or simple relaxation.
That which any person who has walked this Earth has achieved you can achieve with the right mental attitude, perseverance and industry. Limiting thoughts and weak mental images must be banished. One's focus must be on the attainment of goals that are truly important.
Get into the habit of memorizing beautiful poetry. Not only will it be a great source of entertainment but it will quickly lift your intellectual functions to a higher level by improving your memory, concentration and mental agility.

Keep your words soft and arguments hard.

Break the worry habit by putting things in perspective and laughing over small setbacks. Repeat to yourself that "this will soon pass". Then take a sheet of paper, write out the worry on your mind. Allot a certain period of time to think on it, isolate the precise problem and formulate a powerful line of attack. By this practical technique, your negative, energy sapping habit will soon be a faint memory of the past.
Be known as that person who goes the extra mile. The person who works longer than others. The one who takes on the extra assignments and follows them through with great success. Be the person who always has concerns about others and who makes family members feel truly special. Be a standout, the one with a balance in both personal and professional excellence. Be a star that shines brightly for all others to admire.
Become a committed and sincere cimmunity-builder. Cultivate new friendships. You will truly be surprised where people end up over the years and how small, kind gestures will help you later on in life. Treat everyone who crosses your path as if they are the most important person in your world. You will certainly meet with great success.
When you look for something you will find it. If you constantly expect exceptional success, you will surely have it. Peak performers attract success. You must keep the goals you desire to achieve at the forefront of your mind throughout the day. Repeat your ambitions at least five times a day and visualize yourself achieving them. If your goal is to be rich, picture the house you will be living in, the car you will be driving, what it will feel like to be rich and the pleasure of attaining your goals in life. Repeat your ambition over and over until you have complete certainty that you will attain your desires and eventually you will.
Develop a sense of wonder about the world. Be an explorer. Find pleasure in the things that others take for granted. Stop and actually listen to that wonderful street musician playing the trumpet. Read that classic book your father loved so much. Plan to get away from the city next week and visit a secluded, powerfully natural place for a few days. Take a mini-retreat and care for your mind, body and spirit. It will profoundly improve the quality of your life.
Send cards on birthdays and little notes from time to time showing that you care and were thinking about your relations. We are all busy but if you spend just five minutes a week to send a card to a friend or family member, by the year end you will have sent out 52 cards. This is a small investment for the dividends that are guaranteed to follow.

Remember and use people's names when you talk to them. A person's name is a uniquely sweet sound to them.

Go outdoors and look up into the blue sky for half an hour. Note the supremely strong feeling that you get when you are connected to Nature. Get away from your rigid schedule today and spend the afternoon in a beautiful setting. Walk in the woods and sit by a cool stream. Go fishing or rent a canoe. Getting away from your routine will provide a refreshing release and make you feel wonderful when you eventually return.
Once every few weeks, leave your watch at home. In this society we often become bound to the clock and soon it governs our every action like a rigid taskmaster. Go through the day doing precisely what you wish to do and for however long you wish to do it. Spend time with that special person without having to run off to your next appointment. Savour the moments and focus on what is truly important rather than those mundane things that somehow take on a greater importance than they really deserve. Lose the clock and gain some quality time.

Laugh at work and be known as a positive achiever who adds outrageous value to all you do.

An idea gives rise to a mental image. A mental image will then generate a mental habit out of which a mental trait ultimately blossoms. Master your thoughts and you master your mind; master your mind and you master your life; master your life and you master your destiny.
Recognize the tremendous power of opposition thinking. This simple technique simply involves the substitution of a positive thought each and every time a negative or limiting thought enters your mind and begins to detract from your focus. For example, on a Sunday evening, you may think "I wish I did not have to return to work tomorrow after such a pleasant and relaxing weekend." Immediately replace this defeating thought pattern before it begins to take hold by thinking the opposite. For example you might think "I cannot wait to return to the office given the exciting projects on the go and the wonderful sense of accomplishment I receive after a productive, challenging week." Then think how fortunate you are to have a job and one that you can advance in through your own efforts and productivity. Make a list of all of the positive attributes of your position and repeat them over and over. Soon the negative pattern will be broken and you will look toward the exciting week ahead with that most fabulous of qualities: enthusiasm.
Get deep into the habit of personal introspection. Ben Franklin called this one of the most important strategies for personal effectiveness. Spend ten minutes every night before you go to bed in self-examination. Think about the good things you did during the day and the bad actions you may have taken which you must change in order to excel and grow. Successful people are simply more thoughtful than others. Daily reflection will soon allow for the eradication of your negative qualities (ranging from procrastination to gossiping to insulting others) and will sharpen the mind. After steady practice, a time will eventually arrive when the mistakes you make are few indeed and your personal power will move to the highest level.
The most efficient and effective alarm clock ever developed lies within our own minds. If you do not believe this, try the following:
1. Sit in an easy chair approximately ten minutes before you go to bed.
2. Shut your eyes and gently rest your hands on your knees.
3. Breathe deeply for a few minutes (inhale to the count of five, hold to the count of ten and exhale fully).
4. Repeat the following command to yourself at least twenty times: "I will awake at (the desired time) feeling fresh, alert and enthusiastic." This command must be said with feeling and emotion.
Then take a few seconds to visualize yourself waking up at the desired time (the more detailed the mental picture the better) and imagine how great you will feel. You will soon wake up at the desired moment after little or no practice.

"Some men see things as they are and say 'why?' I dream of things that never were and say 'why not?'" - George Bernard Shaw

Use these strategies to improve the quality of your mind-calming meditation:
1. Practice meditation at the same time each day and in the same place so that your mind becomes accustomed to entering the desired serene state as soon as you enter the peaceful place.
2. The early morning is undoubtedly the most powerful time to meditate. Indian yogis believe that the pre-dawn time has almost magical qualities which aid in achieving the super-peaceful state so many mediators attempt to attain.
3. Before you start, command your mind to be quiet by using affirmations such as "I will be focused and very calm now."
4. If thoughts do enter, do not force them out but simply let them pass like clouds making way for the beautiful blue sky. Picture that your mind is like a still lake without even a ripple.
5. Sit for ten minutes at first and then increase the time every few sittings. After a month or two, you will not be interrupted by any pressing thoughts and will surely feel a sense of peace that you have never felt before.

Forge and foster great friendships as such relationships are essential for maintaining a healthy and successful life. Find a few minutes every day to jot down some warm wishes to an old friend or to place a telephone call to someone you have not had a chance to speak to for a while. Show compassion and sincere consideration for all your friends and watch the results which follow. Develop long lasting friendships by being a good friend. Also, make it a priority to seek out new friends no matter how many you may be fortunate enough to have. This is one of life's greatest joys which many of us miss.
Purchase a CD of Miles Davis's Kind Of Blue. It is a uniquely soothing compilation that will refresh and soothe you after a challenging and productive day. Music such as this is good for the soul.
Drown your appetite by drinking more water - ten glasses a day is ideal. It revitalizes the system and purifies the body. Also, get into the habit of eating soups and more complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes and pasta which feed your hunger with far less calories than other less healthy foods. You truly are what you eat and must ensure that your diet is designed to maximize your energy and mental clarity.
Develop the essential habit of punctuality for it is most important for high success. Punctuality reflects discipline and a proper regard for others. Without it, even the most sophisticated person appears slightly offensive. Do not be early and certainly never be late. Budget your time and, should you arrive early, take a walk or simply relax for a few moments to ensure that you arrive on time as requested. You will be appreciated and welcomed always if you cultivate this important quality that appears so rarely these days.
The telephone is there for your convenience, not for the convenience of others who are attempting to contact you. If you are busy with a task, do not answer the phone or have someone answer the call so that you may return it at a more suitable time. Do not let such interruptions waste your time. Most phone calls are not important and last far too long anyway. Over the course of the average American's lifetime, she will spend two years unsuccessfully returning phone calls. There are so many important and fun things to do in life. The challenge is to respect precious time so that we can achieve a fuller, more satisfying life.
Start your day off well. The way you begin your day determines the way you will live your day. Before you get out of bed each morning, say a prayer or repeat your personal affirmation giving thanks for the day and all the positive things you will see and achieve. Make a conscious decision to make this the best day of your life and meet with pleasure, success and fun. If you believe it, it will most certainly happen. A timeless secret for lifelong success is to live each day as if it were your last.
Confide in your partner. This will strengthen the relationship and allow you both to grow at the same pace. It is also a wonderful tonic to share important or otherwise troubling things with the person you are closest to.

Push yourself just a little harder and a little farther each day. Winners on the playing field of life push the envelope of their potential daily. Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. Winners do the things that less developed people don't like doing even though they also might not enjoy doing them. This is what strength of character and courage is all about. Tackle your weaknesses. Do the thing that you have consistently put off. Write that thank you note or letter that you have neglected for so long. Exercise your discipline muscles and they will rise to the occasion by filling your day with more satisfaction, more effectiveness and far more energy.

All individuals who have attained the highest of levels generally have cultivated the essential mental habit of optimism. Without optimism, life loses its luster and hardships appear at every step of the way. This is an essential life habit.
Today, write down the seven best qualities of individuals who you admire and post this list by your bed. Then, each morning as you rise, focus on a new quality which you will strive to implement during the day. After one week, you will notice small differences in yourself. In one month, these traits will become firmly embedded. After two months, all those important qualities will be yours.
You have as many reputations as you do acquaintances as each person you know thinks differently of you. What should truly concern you is your character. You have full control of this and this is what you must develop, refine and cultivate. Once your character is strong and vigorous, then all else that is positive will follow. It really doesn’t matter what others think about you, so long as you do what you feel is right and live life on your own terms.
Consider yourself as an orange. Only what is really inside can come out. If you fill your mind with thoughts of serenity, positivity, strength, courage and compassion, when someone squeezes you, this is the only juice that can flow.
Our lives have been described as a parenthesis in eternity. We are but a small blip on the stage of the Universe. As we can take nothing with us when we leave, then the real meaning of our existence must be to give and serve others. Keep this in mind. When you wake up early in the morning, repeat the mantra: "I will serve others today, I will care for others today and I will be kind today." This kind of living will bring you huge returns if you stay on the purpose of aiding others rather than on the outcome of personal gain.
Be known as a world-class innovator at your place of work. Be all about Big Ideas and Bold Dreams. Sit down over the next week and write out ten suggestions for your supervisor as to how to improve the work being done and the quality of the workplace itself. Be known as an idea person willing to discover challenges and tackle them with zest and enthusiasm.

Learn to laugh at yourself.

Be an instrument of service, leaving the world better than you found it.
Try to go through one full day without saying "I". Focus on others. Listen to others and you will learn wonderful new things as well as gain friendships.
Spend one hour a day in full silence except in answer to direct questions. Even then, answer directly and without extending the conversation unduly. We, so very often, talk around subjects and repeat ourselves. This ancient Eastern exercise will not only build your will-power but develop clarity and precision of language which is essential for effective communication.
Each day, do two things that you do not like doing. This may be the preparation of a report you have been putting off or shining your shoes. It does not matter how small the task, just do it! Soon these chores will not seem so bad, your personal power will increase and your productivity will soar. Try it because this is an age-old technique for building strength of character.
True happiness comes from only one thing: achievement of goals, whether they are personal, professional or otherwise. You are happiest when you feel you are growing. When you feel that you are contributing and advancing in the direction of your dreams, you will notice that you have boundless energy and vitality. Time spent on activities which offer little reward aside from a fleeting feeling of relaxation (television watching is the best example), is time lost forever. Relaxation is essential but chose the most effective means of renewal and spend your time in productive pursuits that will slowly move you along the path of accomplishment. Happiness comes from doing - not sleeping.
Napoleon III of France had a special ability to remember the names of all those he met. His secret was to say "so sorry, I missed your name" after being introduced to a new person. This would cause the name to be repeated and reinforced within his memory. If the name was difficult, he would ask for the proper spelling.
The sages of China have held a basic life philosophy for thousands of years: develop an indomitable spirit along with courtesy and integrity. The repetition of these three traits will make you an exceptionally powerful individual respected by all. Exert your effort and personal influence to attain these qualities.
A valuable technique for defeating negative and self-limiting thoughts that can hamper you from attaining peak performance is the mental interrupt device. When a negative thought enters your consciousness, first you must become aware of it and have a strong desire to remove it for good. To do this, interrupt the negative train of thought by doing something to break and banish the self-limiting pattern. When the bad thought enters, you may pinch yourself and say, "I am strong and weak thoughts are gone", or you may shout out loud or do anything that will divert your attention and remove the negative focus. By practicing this technique, you will see a marked decrease in the negative thoughts that most people have, paving the way to the mindset of a true winner.
Taking time from your busy work and family schedule to focus on personal growth activities is essential and is never to be considered a waste. Taking one hour from your hectic morning to watch kids playing in a nearby park or to take a brisk walk might seem like a poor use of time to some. But by making more time for life's simple pleasures and bringing more balance into your day, you will make the remaining hours far more productive and effective. You cannot do good unless you feel good. When you are serene, relaxed and enthusiastic you are also more productive, creative and dynamic. This is something that has been proved time and time again and yet we consistently get caught up in the apparent immediacy of our routine and fail to see the forest for the trees.

Read more, learn more, laugh more and love more.

Pick five relationships that you desire to improve over the next six months. Write out the names of these people and under each name detail why you want to improve the relationship, how you plan to do so and in what time frame. This is simply another facet of goal setting - the practice which will always yield excellent results in any of life's fields. Be committed to being a better parent, friend and citizen. Be creative in the steps you take to show your appreciation and respect for your loved ones. Sending notes is fine but consider unique and thoughtful measures ranging from a romantic picnic in the country with your partner to an early morning fishing trip with an old friend.
Remember the power of prayer. Remember the power of kindness. Remember the importance of love.
An excellent investment in your personal growth is the six CD series of Reverend Norman Vincent Peale entitled "The Power of Positive Thinking". Get it and listen to it over and over. It is packed full of strategies and techniques that, without fail, will ensure that you live a long, happy, productive and prosperous life.
Consider purchasing a pocket organizer which may prove to be an excellent tool for scheduling, recording your commitments and keeping the responsibilities of your life in fine order. One can be purchased at a reasonable price.
Browse second-hand bookstores every few months searching for lost treasures of character-building books. You will find gems on public speaking, improving your habits, time management, personal health and other important subjects for low prices. Some of these older texts are the very best and come from an age where every young person was under an obligation to develop discipline and good life habits regularly.
Read "The Magic of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol. It will allow you to release the powerful forces which most certainly exist in your mind but may presently be untapped.
Be known as someone with a cool head, warm heart and great character. Your presence on this earth will long be remembered.
It has been said that doing something for others is the highest form of religion. Every week, out of the 168 hours available, spend a few in service to others. Many say that such selfless service soon becomes a key focus within their lives. Give your time at a seniors home or to needy children. Teach someone how to read or offer to give a public lecture on the subject of your expertise. Simply take action and do something to leave a legacy.
Fill your home with bright, fresh flowers. This is one of the best investments you can make. Let the sounds of great music, loud laughter and good fun fill the oasis of your home.
Get to know and enjoy your neighbors. They make life more pleasant and can provide helpful resources when you least expect it. An extraordinary life is all about human connections.
Recognize the power of mantras and the repetition of positive, powerful words. Indian yogis have employed this technique for over 4000 years to live tranquil, productive and focused lives. Create your own personal mantra which you can repeat daily to enhance your character and strengthen your spirit.

When the breath is still and strong, so is the mind.

Use the following visualization from time to time. Sit in a quiet place and picture that you will be on the earth for only another day. Who would you call, what would you say and what would you do? These questions will give you some important insights into what outstanding actions you must endeavor to complete.

Study the following evidence of high character:
1. Precision & clarity of thought and speech
2. The power of personal growth
3. Refined and gentle manners
4. The power and habit of introspection
5. The power to achieve your goals & dreams
"Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. People grow old only by deserting their ideals and by outgrowing the consciousness of youth. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul... You are as old as your doubt, your fear, your despair. The way to keep young is to keep your faith young. Keep your self-confidence young. Keep your hope young." - Dr. L.F. Phelan
Explore the healing powers of Chinese herbal medicine and similar Eastern strategies for maintaining a state of perfect health (consult an expert at all times and take a formal course on the subject to gain powerful insights into this most useful area of healing).
Be certain to organize your time around the true priorities of your life. As Stephen Covey has noted: "it is easy to say no when there is a deeper yes burning within."
Slow down your pace of life. In this complex age, we are running our lives at a frantic pace. Focus on what is truly important and start undertaking activities that will slow you down and rekindle the natural, calm within us. Sit in the grass and watch the blue sky for half an hour - at first, it is not as easy as one would think and the urge is to get up after only a few minutes of such useful relaxation. Once you are used to a healthier pace of living, with regular periods dedicated to the simple pleasures of life, every other activity will become more efficient and enjoyable.
Try eating only fruit and milk for a full day. Fasting is a powerful success strategy of the East that millions use regularly to maintain peak health and mental clarity. By trying this simple practice every few weeks you will notice a surge in your energy level and a lightness in your walk. Big meals require a significant amount of energy that could be better directed toward more productive pursuits.
Value your spouse's laugh and keep your partner's picture close by your work desk for inspiration and pleasant thoughts throughout the day.
If you are married, have your partner's initials and your own engraved on the inside of your wedding bands along with the date of your marriage. This is useful not only in case the rings are lost but to provide you both with personalized keepsakes that may be passed down to successive generations.
The mind is like a garden - as you sow, so shall you reap. When you cultivate it and nurture it, it will blossom beyond your wildest expectation. But if you let the weeds take over, you will never reach your potential. What you put in is what you get out. So avoid violent movies, trashy novels and all other negative influences. Peak performers are meticulous about the thoughts they allow into the gardens of their minds. You truly cannot afford the luxury of a single negative thought.
Do a hundred sit ups a day and do not break this habit. Strong abdominal muscles are very helpful to ensuring that you enjoy peak health and injury free days. They also maintain your appearance and confidence level.

Be the most honest person that you know. Be trustworthy - worthy of the trust of others.

Curb your worldly desires and you will strengthen your will. He who is deeply bound to material things runs into difficulty and unhappiness when they are taken away. Happy people enjoy worldly objects but do not become bound or wedded to them. Live a simple, uncluttered and productive existence. To simplify your life today, consider selling your television, stopping the junk mail, spending less, learning yoga, selling your car, practicing meditation every morning and unplugging your ringing phone once in a while.
If you have not laughed today, you have not lived today. Laugh hard and loud. As William James said: "we don't laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh."
Read "The Charisma Factor - How to Develop Your Natural Leadership Ability" by Robert J. Richardson and S. Katharine Thayer. It is a superb book for any aspiring leader, or a current one, who seeks to advance to the next level.
Travel often. The perspective offered by visiting new lands is important and allows one to appreciate the existence that we generally take for granted.
Each month set a physical fitness goal for yourself. Start to swim in July or learn to ski in January. The key is to arrive at a goal for the month, write it down, consider how to execute it and then, as the NIKE ad says: "Just Do It!".
Things are always created twice. There is always the mental creation which precedes the physical creation. Just as plans for a house must first be set down on paper before the house is started, so too should your day be planned within your mind early in the morning before the day begins. Visualize the wonders you desire this life to bring and they will materialize as your subconscious mind starts to focus on the attainment of goals. This is a true law of Nature.

Walk to work and notice the wonderful beauty in Nature.


Sleep less, spend less, do more, live longer and be greater.

Read this book over and over and share it with others! Let us work together to elevate the world, one human being at a time.